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Aurora was perched up on Tommy's desk, her feet delicately resting upon his throne as she fixed her stockings, pulling them back up her thighs with a tired but happy yawn. With business finished, their pleasure continued into the late afternoon leaving Aurora wanting to do nothing but curl up in a ball and sleep the rest of the day away. Unfortunately for Aurora she couldn't do that, Polly was expecting her for tea and Aurora was already running late. Sure she felt guilty for making Polly wait but time had escaped Aurora as there was nothing better than being back in Tommy's arms.

Brushing down the dress that had made its way around her hips, Aurora watched Tommy redo his tie with a smile on her face. She had missed him and from this day forward Aurora knew she would refuse to travel without him. The month had been too long, far too long.
"So tell me, what did you get up to while I was gone?" Aurora asked running her fingers through her hair, trying to tame the wild curls that had escaped with no luck.
Aurora wasn't stupid enough to believe Tommy sat at home moping over her like she had done for him. Tommy was an ambitious man, he could never sit and do nothing. It would eat him up and drive him mad like a trapped bird. Aurora liked to know what he had been up to, not to pry but to feel the same excitement a child would feel being told a story that was filled with enthralling adventures and danger.

"Planning" was all Tommy responded sending some of the excitement back down into her stomach.
"Planning what? Come on Tommy you know I hate suspense" Aurora laughed but the look on Tommy's face told her she already knew what he was planning and letting her smile die on her face, Aurora let out a sigh. This was a story she had heard before and over the past few months she had hoped he would change his mind.

"Say it Tommy, you're still planning to expand to London, I want to hear you say it" Aurora bit out, her fingers curling around the edge of his desk and into the wood underneath.
"M'expanding to London mouse" Tommy replied, staring at her in an unmoving manner, preparing himself the conversation to come.
"Why do you insist on London Tommy? Business is booming 'ere, you 'ave the north, why must you expand south?"
"Why not?" Tommy shrugged slightly causing Aurora to drop her head in her hands with a frustrated moan.
Approaching the mouse, Tommy gently separated her knees and stepping in between he lifted her chin and looked into the storm of fear building in her golden eyes.
"We're movin' up mouse, why fuckin' stop now when we can have it all?" Tommy stated, a smirk growing at the side of his mouth and bringing her hands up to grip his wrists Aurora sighed once again.

"Because it's too dangerous, Sabini won't just give you London Tommy and you know that, which is why you're planning to take it and you, along with everyone else will be put at the top of Sabini's kill list. London won't be safe for us, we'll be treading like rats in the sewers" Aurora explained while also begging her tongue to stop moving. It was no use, Tommy was going to do whatever he pleased especially if it benefited the family. She understood why he wanted to expand but it didn't stop the worry from building in her heart.

"Do you doubt me mouse?" Tommy questioned with a raised eyebrow.
She had always held such faith in him and it seemed that faith had been replaced with her fear of the unknown.
"Never Tommy I know you're more than capable of handling Sabini but that doesn't make me less afraid for you" Reaching up, Aurora placed her hand against his cheek "I love you Tommy and I will not lose you. I just wish you had more care for your life"
Bending down, Tommy kissed Aurora's pouted lips that had begun to tremble slightly and not wanting to see her upset, Tommy thought it time to divert the subject.
"I'll be 'orright mouse, when am I not ey?"
Wrapping her arms around his back, Aurora sank into his chest and closed her eyes as she took in his scent, surrounding her senses with nothing but Tommy. She immediately felt a sense of calmness settle over her heart yet her mind continued to fill her head with questions.
"Does the family know?"
"Not yet" Tommy uttered rubbing her arms in a bit to comfort her. This would be the last time he had this conversation with Aurora. If she didn't like the expansion that was fine but he would continue on until he came to the decision that enough was enough.

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