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Don't cry.
Everyone watched in an eerily silence as Tommy's head snapped back from the force of Aurora's punch yet his body remained in place and his face blank of emotion.
Don't cry.
"You have some fucking nerve Thomas Shelby" Aurora hissed slamming her hands into his chest, trying her best to shove him away but his feet never moved and his eyes never left hers. The blood that trickled from his nose slowly ran over his lips and dripped onto the fresh white cotton of his shirt.
"Did you think I wouldn't find out?!"
She was going to cry.
Not wanting him to see her tears, Aurora brought up her bag and tearing her eyes away from his momentarily she began to fumble around in her purse searching for whatever money she could get a hold of. Grabbing a fist full of notes, Aurora looked up once again and raising her hand she threw the money into Tommy's face. John let out a low whistle as he watched it all drop to the floor, his brother never once moving despite Aurora's attack.
"Take your fucking money and stay away from me!"
Giving his chest one last shove, Aurora turned away and headed towards the front doors, desperate to get away before she cried again.
"The fook 'ave you done Tom" She heard Arthur hiss out before the doors shut behind her and she was met with a sharp slap as rain began to pound against the ground and into her already cold form.

Aurora wandered back towards Watery Lane wondering where she could go. Polly's was too far to walk, there were also no trains at this hour and if she stayed at Charlie's Yard she would only be questioned over and over by Charlie. She'd stay in the shop if she knew Tommy wouldn't find her but after striking him Aurora believed she would be expecting the blinder at any moment.
Why couldn't he fuck off back to his big house and leave her be?
Why did he have to ruin things for her?
She'd been trying so hard to help Tommy through his pain and this is how he rewarded her back, by humiliating her.
She hated him! She fucking hated him!
Aurora's body shook through the cold and anger as she blindly tried to see within the rain. It was coming down hard and fast making it impossible to see anything but the small glow from the street lights above. She wished to be home curled up by the fire with a book and a hot pot of tea, not dragging her feet through Small Heath because Tommy Shelby had managed to hurt her yet again.

"Aurora! Aurora!" She heard him calling out from behind her and snapping her head round to look she saw he had followed her after all and was gaining quickly.
How could he see her through the dark?
Perhaps it was her loud sobs that attracted his attention, her sobs for a man that wasn't worth her tears.
"Fuck off Thomas! Fuck off!"
Aurora continued on, ignoring his presence as much as she could. She needed to get away from him before he soon found her fist back within his face again only this time Aurora was sure she wouldn't stop.
"Aurora just come 'ere and we can talk orright?"
"Do you not get it?! I don't want to talk! I want you to fucking leave me alone!" She screeched failingly wiping her tears away with her soaked sleeves.
"You've just fuckin' punched me mouse I think that requires a conversation" Tommy yelled back and hearing the frustration in his face Aurora let out a cold laugh.
Really?! He was frustrated with her! He had the balls to be frustrated with her after the trick he'd just pulled.
Stopping in her tracks, Aurora turned at the edge of Watery Lane and waited for him to catch up. Once he was within reach she began to violently slap his chest over and over until her hands were stinging and raw.
"What is there to talk about?! You humiliated me Tommy! Fifty pounds! What have I even done to you to be humiliated like this?!" Aurora wept thinking of Willy's face when he told her of Tommy's actions. The look of pity he'd given her, how she'd hated it more than anything.
"You weren't meant to find out, I told him to be kind but to make sure he'd bore you enough not to achieve a second date. I didn't want you humiliated mouse" Tommy explained like his actions were nothing but innocent child play and not the act of a jealous man trying to keep the woman he loved to himself. He didn't understand why she was so heartbroken over her failed date, it was a date and Willy was a loser.
"Oh wow Thomas, thank you for that explanation I feel so much better now. God! You really have no idea how much you've hurt me do you?"
"I didn't think it would go this far, I didn't think it would hurt you so much" Tommy sighed wanting nothing more than to comfort her for his faults once again "Look let's get inside and talk properly, you're shaking out 'ere"
"I'M SHAKING BECAUSE I'M SO FUCKING ANGRY YOU ABSOLUTE BASTARD!" Aurora screamed before turning away and marching towards the house knowing he wouldn't let her go without a talk. She would hear the pathetic reasonings coming from his mouth and then she would happily tell him to fuck off once again and leave.

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