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"Where are Fennix and Warren?"
Aurora looked behind Jane as she stumbled through her front door, holding both daughters in her arms and not a boy in sight. Clara seeing her Auntie stood in the hall, jumped down and ran straight towards her legs, wrapping her tiny arms around Aurora's thighs and holding on.
"Rora!" she squealed happily, smiling widely feeling Aurora bring her hands under her arms and lift her up.
"Hello me love!" Aurora chirped kissing the toddlers cheek and bouncing her excitedly "are you coming to the fair with me?"
"Yes...I go...fair with Rora!"
"Briar you look beautiful" Aurora pointed out turning her attention on her eldest niece.
The girl had just turned twelve and no longer became overly excited at the sight of her Auntie, she preferred to have no attention, to hide in the shadows like Aurora had done all her life.
Brushing her dress down Briar placed a graceful smile on her face and stepped forwards.
"Thank you Rora, is Nana here yet?" Briar questioned twisting her head to look into the kitchen.
Rolling her eyes Aurora stepped to the side and laughed.
"Yes your favourite person is right through there, go on"
Watching her daughter skip off, Jane walked towards Aurora, took her hand proceeded to twirl her.
"Speaking of beautiful, Aurora! Tommy won't be able to keep his eyes off you!" Jane exclaimed, pushing down the jealousy she was feeling. This was her sisters night and Jane was here to help.
"Really? It's not too much?" Aurora whispered holding Clara closer to her chest as a wave of doubt hit her.
"No course not! Now me I would show more skin but that's not you" Jane winked slightly lifting Aurora's skirt above her knees and laughing.

"Jane where are the boys?" Anne questioned walking into the hall to see both her daughters in a state of uncontrollable laughter.
It was rare to see them getting along and watching them together caused Anne's heart to burst with pride.
"Fennix decided he would prefer to go hunting with his friends and Warren wanted to stay with his Dad" Jane sighed, she had wanted all her kids to come to the fair. It wasn't often they were all together and she had been adamant on making them come yet both boys had kicked up a fuss making her decide to leave them home.
"You know you offer to take them somewhere fun and they just bugger off....never mind, we need to get going, we'll arrive after dark by this rate!" Anne stressed shaking her head as she began reaching for coats and passing them out.
Watching their Mam rush about the two sisters burst into laughter once more before Aurora handed Clara over to Jane and proceeded to make a grab from Tommy's jacket. From the approving look on Janes face, Aurora knew it was the right choice. She was nervous, nervous about seeing Tommy, nervous about going to the fair even though Tommy had reassured her this morning that he wanted her to come. Aurora trusted his word, his heart not so much because inside it rested the name of another woman.

It didn't take long for the family to get ready and head out on the road. Anne, William, Clara and Briar were in one car, Jane and Aurora in another. Jane noticing how her sister nervously bit down on her thumb had tried to lighten the mood as well as offer Aurora her secret whiskey hiding place which she accepted gratefully yet her nerves couldn't bring themselves to dissipate.
"Would you like me to sing?" Jane offered with a wicked smirk causing Auroras eyes to bulge out.
"No! Your singing is like listening a seagull be strangled" Aurora stated and rather than be offended Jane found herself nodding in agreement.
"Well we need to do something Rora! We're nearly there and you look like you will throw up on Tommy as soon as you see 'em"
"Oh shut it! M'always like this 'fore I see him but when he's there, it all just disappears....he makes things good" Aurora blushed staring down at her hands to avoid catching her sisters eye.
"Little Aurora Hayes, loved up! Who would have thought?!" Jane joked, gently nudging Aurora and winking.
"I'm not in love....I like him"
"No Aurora you like cake....Tommy, it's a different feeling I see it in your eyes"
"Maybe it is Jane"

The fair was enormous and unlike anything Aurora had ever seen. She had been to a few fairs in her life but this was by far the biggest one she had been to. It swallowed up the mass field and was lit up so incredibly bright that Aurora imagined you'd be able to see it from the heavens. Parking up a bit further away from the fair, Aurora took the time to gather herself and take in the stiff Birmingham air into her lungs. She willed her dress to stay uncreased after the long drive and her curls to stay neatly pinned to her head.

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