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"Oh Mr Shelby! I...I..was just...just" Aurora stuttered through her sentence before pausing and taking a quick deep breath.
She couldn't find her words, all she could do was stare into his face and twiddle her fingers as she waited for him to confront her. Aurora couldn't believe she had been caught listening in, the mans hearing was impeccable.

"You were just what?" His voice was calm but clapped Aurora's ears like thunder.
She found herself transfixed as his tongue darted out his mouth and swiped over his lips before he brought a cigarette up and took a drag. Blowing smoke in her direction, Aurora did everything not to cough or blink not even when her eyes started to sting.

"I just wanted to see if you needed anything" Aurora replied, her voice quiet and meek.
"The thing is Aurora, was it? Earlier you came here, walked in this room and gave your Dad what we needed so let's start with the truth shall we?" Clearing his throat Tommy raised his eyebrow slightly, gesturing her to continue.
"I'm sorry Mr Shelby"
Unable to look in his eyes anymore Aurora bowed her head and focused her attention on his highly polished shoes, it was clear from how he dressed that the Shelby's businesses were going extremely well.

"Sorry for what?" Tommy grunted resisting the urge to smirk as the young woman shrunk into herself.
"Sorry.....for being nosey I...I..shouldn't have been listening in, it wasn't my place to" Aurora doubted her face could get any redder, she was thankful in this moment that her long curls shielded her from view.

Tommy doubted this girl belonged to the Hayes. The Hayes were strong and unapologetic for who they were yet this little mouse stood in font of him head bowed and submissive. He wasn't sure if he was more intrigued or annoyed by her lack of character.

"Tell me, do you make it your job to listen in on men's business?" Tommy questioned causing Aurora's head to snap up and the shame she felt soon turn to anger.
"No Mr Shelby but I like to make sure me Dad is safe" she protested, hands balled at her sides.
Aurora was appalled by him, men's business!
She was a part of this 'men's business', Aurora worked her arse off day in and out, therefore she had a right to know if her Dad was making good decisions that didn't ruin him or their livelihood.

"Does he look safe to you?"
His voice was full of sarcasm which only helped to fuel Aurora's anger. Tommy on the other hand had felt like he had won the races, finally he had received a reaction from the woman. Her golden eyes turned into a storm of chocolate, she was trying hard not to lose her temper and Tommy intended to keep on pushing her until she did.
"Is that a trick question Mr Shelby?" Aurora bit out forcing herself to stay back as he let out a dark chuckle.
"Are you struggling to comprehend what I'm saying Aurora?"
"I don't have anything else to say to you!"
"Well why don't you leave us and go to bed little mouse ey?"
The order was clear, Tommy was done with this game, she would not win this fight. He was giving her the opportunity to bow out now and leave.

Folding her arms, Aurora glared deeply into his icy eyes, she wasn't going to move first and she certainly wouldn't let him win.
Never had she met a man as rude as this!
Little mouse? Who did he think he fucking was?
Oh that's right, the king of Birmingham!

Their eyes remained glued for a few moments until to Aurora's surprise, Tommy looked down. She watched in confusion as his eyes became fiery and dark, like a storming sea about to drag sailors to their deaths.
What had caused him to become this furious?
Aurora not knowing what to do took a death breath only for Tommy to let out a choked grunt, it was only when she followed his eyes did she realise he wasn't angry at all.

To her utter horror Aurora discovered that when she had folded her arms it caused the slip under her loose coat to fall down and the tops of her breasts to peak up. Tommy stared unapologetically and flushed from the heat of his stare Aurora didn't dare move. She didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing her embarrassed, in fact she didn't feel embarrassed at all instead she felt anticipation and excitement. Aurora hated the fact she was letting him stare like some wanton prostitute.
What would her Mam say if she seen her like this?!
What would her Dad do?!
Aurora was thankful Tommy had blocked his view otherwise her Dad would surely have her guts for garters.

A Shelby Mistress Where stories live. Discover now