Family Meeting

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"How late?" Polly asked looking up at Aurora like she had just told her the grass was green. It wasn't a look of boredom, it was a look that told Aurora Polly understood what she had said but she was calm, almost as if she had expected it.
To Aurora's relief her heart began to slow to a steady pace again and releasing her hard grip on the chair, Aurora threw her hands into her lap and exhaled.
"A month, maybe more...I 'aven't kept track lately, not until a few days ago and then I saw Esme with the baby and I.....fuck!" Aurora burst out, shaking her head in disbelief. Even in her worst moments she had kept up with everything but that was before Tommy. She wasn't a virgin anymore and Tommy had an unquenchable appetite. Still Aurora should of noticed.

"Right, do you have any nausea? Headaches? Are your breasts tender?"
"Polly!" Aurora objected covering her breasts with her hands as Polly made a reach for them, startling the already shocked girl.
"Don't be so bloody modest girl!" Polly bit out with a roll of her eyes.
"M'not experiencing any of that Aunt Pol, me breasts were tender but not anymore" Aurora answered, her hands still shielding her just in case Polly tried again.
"We need to get you to a doctor" Polly stated standing up from her place on the ground and picking up bowl filled with blood stained water.
"When? How? Tommy will find out, Tommy finds out everything" Aurora called out watching Polly walk into the kitchen as she got out her chair and stretched her back.
"You haven't told him?" Polly questioned over the sound of pouring water and stepping into the room Aurora leaned against the door frame and shook her head.
"No, I don't want to until m'sure I am. Tommy needs defiant answers, not maybes, he'd only run circles around me till he knew"
Polly hummed in agreement knowing her nephew well enough. He would demand answers until the truth came to light but there was no truth there, not yet as Aurora truly wasn't sure if she was pregnant or not.

"Aunt Pol, family meetin' is about to start" John grunted, his head popping up from behind the door that led into the shop, a look of displeasure on his face.
"We'll be right there John" Polly replied, waving him away with a strained smile before walking over to Aurora and giving her hand a squeeze "You leave it with me, now come on"
"Thank you Pol" Aurora nodded allowing Polly to gently push her towards the room.
The worry she felt had now changed back to elation. The time for her first family meeting had arrived.
"Before Tommy gets here I'd like us to welcome Aurora to the family meetings, take a seat sweetheart" Polly smiled cutting through the tension that was already building within the room and giving Polly a grateful look Aurora made her way to the chair next to Arthur and sat down without making a sound.

Glancing over at Arthur Aurora went to open her mouth and talk to him yet the look on his face stopped her in her tracks. Long gone was the cheerful smile he had graced her with during their rubbery. In its place was man who appeared to have wrestled a lion without earning a single scratch but somehow was angry he had won. John appeared as if he was sucking on a sour sweet that he refused to spit out and Finn, bless his beautiful soul was grinning at Aurora, delighted in her presence at her first meeting. Giving him a small wave, she sat back and folded her arms, pressing them tightly into her chest.
No they weren't tender in the slightest.
Aurora stared down at her newly bruised legs, a frown on her face as she thought about Tommy's reaction if she were to be pregnant.
She knew Tommy well enough by now, that didn't make him an open book though. It seemed everyone around her couldn't read him either. Being able to see Tommy's thoughts were rare.
What would Aurora do if he didn't want a baby?
Would they have to part ways? She certainty wouldn't get rid of it, Aurora didn't have it in her.
'Stop it! You don't even know if you are yet!' Her inner voice spat at her, cutting through her thoughts and erasing them from her mind.

Coming back to reality Aurora heard John asking Polly where Tommy was, that invisible sour sweet still stuck in his mouth. Aurora hadn't realise there was a set time for family meetings, she just thought they happened when Tommy made them happen.
Aurora knew what was wrong with the family, London.
It weighed greatly on her mind too but right now it was far from her concern. If Tommy was late, it meant something had happened. He wouldn't have went for a happy stroll. Aurora was certain he now knew the cause of the explosion, she just hoped he wasn't in danger. Perhaps Sabini had caught wind of Tommy's plans and had extracted his revenge before the move had begun.
It wouldn't be that, only she and the family knew of this move and none of them would every betray Tommy whether they were against his plans or not.

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