May Carleton

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"Will you two put your fuckin' faces straight?! Feel like I'm at a bloody funeral!" Charlie swore giving Aurora and Curly a look of disdain as they gathered around Tommy's racehorse and held onto the poor beast with the saddest look within their eyes.
"But we're goin' to miss her, ain't we Curly?" Aurora pouted running her hand down the mares nose with an over exaggerated sigh.
"There's already too many horses 'ere! We don't need anymore" Charlie pointed out tossing each horse a frown as they seemed to stare at him in disappointment. He suddenly felt stranded at war with the opposing side surrounding him and ready to shoot at any given moment.
"I don't want her racing....not good Charlie" Curly expressed his hands gripping the rein tightly, he couldn't let go, not yet.
"Me either Curly but Tommy thinks it's important so they'll be no persuading him not to, I've tried" Aurora muttered kicking some hay with her heel knowing there was nothing she could do to keep the horse here.

Today was the day she would finally meet May Carleton, the woman Tommy had picked to train the mare ready for Epsom. Tommy had told Aurora all about the woman in order to give her some reassurance that the mare would be perfectly safe within her care. Aurora was still nervous, she had wanted to watch over the training but she trusted Tommy's judgment and if he believed Mrs Carleton was the right person then Aurora would give her a chance. It was important to Aurora to know that the beautiful beast was in the best shape possible and ready to race without being beaten and mistreated. It was Aurora's understanding that Mrs Carleton, although a toff was a fair and kind woman who's love for horses almost matched her own.

"I suppose it's time for introductions Mr Shelby, the box should be arriving soon. Charlie's yard wasn't it?" May questioned attempting to drink the last of her gin without her face flinching as the strong liquid burnt the back of her throat. She stared at the man in wonder, he was extremely peculiar and different from any man she had ever met. May wasn't sure what had made her approach him and offer her services that day, it hadn't been the horse. Sure it had been a remarkable mare but not worth the price Thomas Shelby had put on her head.
Was it wonder that made her do it?
Perhaps it was boredom. May as of late had been bored of life, living in her big house and attending social occasions to speak to people she quite frankly didn't like. Her world was starting to form aged cracks whilst her mind gathered dust, she needed something more, she needed something to occupy her time and this was her opportunity.
"Yeah, it's not far from 'ere" Tommy hummed clearing his throat as he copied her actions and knocked his own drink down his throat.
"Since I am to be working with your racehorse I imagine you have a name I can use for her?" May enquired hopping down from the bar stool and grabbing her purse.
"I do, the horse will be called Golden Nightengale" Tommy announced stubbing out his cigarette. He had thought about the name long and hard. Tommy was surprised at just how difficult it was to name the racehorse and up to now he had been stuck between two. One name was right here within the heart of Small Heath as well as his own and the other was in New York.
"Curious name, may I ask why Golden Nightingale?" May smiled allowing the name to roll off her tongue. It was good name for a horse, a strange one but she liked it nonetheless.
"You'll see why when you meet her" Tommy smirked nodding his head to the door. It was time to go and unfortunately crack a piece of Aurora's and Curly's hearts as the horse was took from their side.

"Though April showers may come your way
They bring the flowers that bloom in May
So if it's raining have no regrets
Because it isn't raining rain you know, it's raining violets
And where you see clouds upon the hills
You soon will see crowds of daffodils
So keep on looking for a blue bird
And listen for his song
Whenever April showers come along"

Tommy had put his finger up to his lips, indicating for May to keep quiet whilst they listened to the soft song coming from the stables. May happily did as he ordered, too entrapped within the sweetness of the woman's voice. She felt warm and light, like her Mother had wrapped her up in her arms and placed a gentle kiss upon May's head. Through the stable doors May finally laid eyes upon the woman who's voice had lured her in. She had her back turned to them, unaware of their presence as she showered love upon the racehorse, her long dark curls swaying in the light breeze and bouncing with each hum that escaped her throat.
May was almost disappointed when Tommy cleared his throat, interrupting the woman's song and startling her. Turning around to face them May was finally able to match a face to a voice.
Golden brown eyes stared back at her filled with kindness and a hint of caution.
Golden Nightingale.
May understand why now, why Tommy had chosen that name in particular. Underneath Tommy's business like exterior she saw he was a romantic at heart and glancing up at the man she saw his eyes had become soft making her smile.
"Oh 'ello" The woman greeted them, keeping her stare fixed on May.
"Aurora allow me to introduce you to May Carleton, she'll be training the horse as discussed. May this is Aurora Hayes" Tommy introduced them as he stepped forwards and approached Aurora.
"Your wife?" May asked him holding her hand out to Aurora with a soft reassuring grin, she could see Aurora held some nervousness about her "Pleasure to meet you Aurora"
"No, me and Tommy ain't married, lovely to meet you May" Aurora laughed taking May's outstretched hand and shaking it.
"Curly and Charlie have the box ready, it's time to say your goodbyes mouse" Tommy announced causing Aurora's face to drop in disappointment. She was almost tempted to jump upon the horse and get away from Small Heath as quick as she could.

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