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"Aurora! What are you doing here?" Anne questioned in surprise as she came from the kitchen to see who had entered her home.
"I made a cake for you and Dad" Aurora smiled taking a step towards her Mam and offering the baked goods in her hand.
"Ooo, thank you bairn what flavour?"
"Fruit cake, I know how much you love it"
Aurora noticed her Mam was acting very strangely, like she was forcing herself to pretend she was happy to see Aurora or she was hiding something. Nevertheless Aurora continued to smile sweetly, her mind running in circles as she debated whether or not to walk further into the house. Anne on the other hand was trying to ignore the distain she felt at the sight of Aurora wearing Thomas Shelby's jacket. She knew it was his, her husband had told her everything about his meeting with Tommy and how he had sent him to collect a drunk Aurora. Knowing there was no other men in her daughters life meant that her jacket could only belong to him. Anne wondered if they had spent the night together, if Tommy had done what he threatened William with. Forcing the judgment she felt back down, Anne placed an honest smile on her face. She had promised she wouldn't say anything and seeing how happy her child was she didn't want to ruin her mood.
"You're my angel Aurora, come on in! Your sister is here" Anne beckoned Aurora, holding the cake in one arm and slipping her other through Aurora's.

Now Aurora definitely didn't want to move further into the house, in fact she had the urge to run back out the door. Her heart was frozen in place, she didn't want to see Jane but instead of protesting she allowed her Mam to tug her in the direction of the kitchen. The sadness from yesterday's betrayal was gone, replaced by anger. Jane had almost ruined everything between her and Tommy because of jealously. Aurora didn't understand why her sister had always held such resentment towards her and now Tommy was in her life, Aurora imagined the resentment would only grow.
"I can come back later Mam, if you're about to eat" Aurora tried smelling her Mam's beef gravy, it made her stomach groan in need but her need to leave outweighed her hunger.
Ignoring Auroras words, Anne pulled her into the kitchen and into a mass of pointed eyes.
"Look who's here" Anne announced with a smile, giving her husband a look gesture and pointing to Auroras clothing.
"Rora! Rora!" Aurora's youngest niece Clara squealed jumping down from her seat and rushing over to her.
"Poppet!" Aurora chirped lifting the girl up in her arms and placing a kiss on her cheek, Jane's children were most likely the only thing of Jane's life that weren't a fault. 
''re 'ere"
Speak of the Devil.
"Hello Jane" Aurora managed to bite out while keeping a smile plastered on her face as she willed for her sister not to see the sadness in her eyes, she wasn't worth the heartache.
"And who's jacket are you wearing Aurora, I see it's not yours" Jane hummed making it appear that she was disinterested and bored.
Aurora knew better, she knew that jealous look in her sisters eyes. Jane was trying to cause trouble and taking a look at her parents Aurora saw that it was working, they both looked furious.
Taking a deep breath, Aurora waited for the incoming storm.

"What happened yesterday Aurora?" William began after a few moments of tense silence.
"I went and had a drink Dad, yes I got too drunk but who doesn't sometimes" Aurora shrugged already feeling her energy dissipate, she didn't want to fight.
"I'm not talking about the pub Aurora, I'm talking about Thomas fucking Shelby! I sent him after you only he didn't return to my office" William barked loudly causing Clara to flinch in Aurora's arms.
"I don't understand, why would you send 'im if you don't trust him alone with me?" Aurora frowned, what possible reason could her Dad have for doing this?
"I wanted to give him a chance, wanted to see if he had good intentions for my child"
"Aurora darling?"
It was her Mams turn now and giving her Dad a sad look, Aurora turned to where the whisper had came from. She didn't even have to speak, Aurora could see the question within her Mams eyes but Aurora would not answer, not until she spoke it out loud.
"Do it Mam, ask away" Aurora sighed burying her face in Clara's curls.

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