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"So after everything he did to you tonight, you still decided to sleep with him" Polly stated, her forcing pacing the room as her robes flowed around her feet.
Aurora remained tied to the chair her Aunt had placed her in, the rope around her wrists invisible yet it cut into her flesh all the same, binding her in place, unwilling to let her move. Polly looked tired, angry and overall very much fed up of Aurora, not that Aurora blamed her even she was fed up with herself these days.
"I stole his car" Aurora offered quietly trying to lighten the tension within the room. She was expecting Polly to reach out and throttle her at any moment. Aurora had never really prepared for her death but she would do so just this once in the hopes Polly would make it as painless as possible and she could die without a fuss.
"I can't believe you've slept with him" Polly continued to rant, her hand over her mouth in disbelief. They had been working hard the last few months to help Aurora move on and she goes and does this. Polly would of felt less irritated if Aurora had slept with one of their many enemies. Why couldn't she of just ended up in Sabini's bed instead of Tommy's?
The thought made Polly sick but at least it was easier to deal with Sabini.
"It's a very nice car, nice colour, very new I 'aven't seen many of them about. Toffs car, that's what it is but I really like it. Incredibly smooth" Aurora mumbled looking down at her feet, watching them tap rhythmically due to her nerves.
"Will you shut up about the car?!" Polly hissed coming to a stand still and turning to face Aurora once more, her face settled in a deep frown.
"Sorry, I am surprised he didn't wake up to see me take it though"
"Ok M'shutting up about the car Pol" Aurora sighed loudly leaning her elbow on the table and resting her cheek within her hand.

Feeling her already exhausted body becoming heavier and heavier, Polly joined Aurora at the table and ran her hands down her face.
"Have you lost your mind?" Polly asked watching defeat come over Aurora's face. Now that her adrenaline was down, Aurora felt the nights actions slap her right across the head.
"Clearly" She grumbled wishing she'd stolen a bottle of Tommy's fine whiskey alongside the car.
"How are you feeling? Oh don't give me that look I can still care and be angry darling" Polly scoffed "You and him give me nothing but grief I tell you"
"I feel as if I should feel guilty but I don't. I keep trying to force myself to for her sake knowing the truth would hurt her yet I feel nothing but regret for allowing myself to climb back into bed with him so easily and then there's another part of me that feels as if tonight was right, like it should of 'append. God I'm feeling a lot and it's confusing me. When did I become such a mess Pol?"
"This has all gone on for too long but it ends now Aurora" Polly uttered reaching across the table and taking Aurora's hand. What she would say next would hurt the girl but it had to be done, Polly saw no other way.
"Agreed" Aurora nodded squeezing the hand that held hers. As always Polly was right, the mess between her and Tommy did have to end for the sake of both families.

"Which is why from this day forward you are no longer welcome in Birmingham"

"I'm....what..." Aurora whispered not attempting to mask the hurt on her face. Surely Polly wasn't serious. She was no longer welcome in Birmingham. Had it really came this far?
There was a pain growing in her chest, tightening until she felt she could no longer breathe. Polly's words echoed within her mind over and over causing her eyes to sting with unshed tears. Just when she thought there were no more tears left in her after tonight Aurora had unfortunately been proven wrong.
"Polly you can't be serious"
"Oh I'm very serious Aurora, I don't want you here for business or pleasure, or any other reason you can think of to be here. Birmingham is now your past and it's time to move into the future" Polly responded, keeping her hand closed around Aurora. Her face was stone yet inside there was a great battle not give in to Aurora's tearful eyes and saddened stare. She never wanted to hurt those she loved but sometimes there were no alternatives and Polly had to bring her fist down on them to get the message across.
"But I don't want to lose my family" Aurora sobbed quietly, her shoulders shaking as she tried to rein in emotions "Do you kick every woman Tommy's been with out of Birmingham in the end?"
"Jesus Christ Aurora! Look you've got me taking the lords name in vain!" Polly exclaimed getting up from her chair and wrapping her arms around Aurora "When I ordered Grace to leave I did it for the sake of the family and for Tommy, this time I'm doing it for your sake. It's not forever sweetheart, it's just for a little while and don't worry you're not losing us. Instead of coming here we'll be coming to you. We can still have afternoon tea and shop. You and Arthur can still run amok together and gossip like two old women. Lizzie is always with you so I doubt you'll be missing her too much anyway"
"What about me horses?"
"You know fine well those lovely beasts of yours are being well looked after" Polly laughed, her hand rubbing Aurora's shoulder lovingly "Now stop all your crying before you break my heart"

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