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True to his word Tommy had drove Aurora to Lizzie's the very next morning. He had proceeded to complain about her newly found friendship from the time they woke up until they had got into the car. There was no getting through to Aurora, she wouldn't hear of his issues and refused to allow them room in her mind. Tommy would have to remain in discontent for Aurora would have Lizzie as a friend.  Aurora also did not want to neglect Tommy's feelings, she understood his worry and as she placed a kiss upon his cheek, Aurora had done her best to reassure him of her safety. She had promised to phone the shop if there was any trouble, she didn't expect any yet it had seemed to ease the frown on his face and wishing him a good day at work, Aurora had jumped out the car and watched him reluctantly drive away. Truthfully, she was in awe of his protection, it made her love him even more but Aurora needed Tommy to trust in her to keep herself safe.

Aurora wanted until the car was out of sight before she turned around and looked up at Lizzie's house. It appeared the same as every other house in Small Heath except the small bunch of pink flowers in the window gave the house charm within the dull street. Perhaps like Aurora, Lizzie understood the power and importance of flowers. The impact they could have on everyday life was quite extraordinary, they had the ability to shape the day and the mood of their owners.
Walking tentatively towards the door, Aurora took a deep breath, raised her hand and began to knock. She hoped Lizzie didn't think she was following her to her own home, well she was but Aurora had good intentions. Hearing footsteps approaching the door, Aurora placed a sweet smile on her face.
As the door swung open, Aurora saw Lizzie's face turn into one of surprise and taking a step back her mouth continued to open and close, her voice trapped in her throat.

"Good morning Lizzie" Aurora breathed out quickly, her fingers twiddling together as her nerves struck a match inside her.
"Aurora!...good...morning...w..what are you doin'...'ere?" Lizzie stuttered out, folding her arms across her chest and peering down at the short friendly stranger who had helped her.
"I thought we could talk? I can go if you want me to?" Aurora rushed out just in case Lizzie slammed the door shut before she could continue. She understood how unexpected this was and didn't want to intrude for longer than she was welcome.
"Would you like to come in?" Lizzie smiled standing to the side of the doorway, allowing aurora passage if she were to accept Lizzie's offer.
"Thank you" Aurora chirped taking slow steps through Lizzie's door and into the house.
The first thing Aurora noticed was how plain the house was, like Tommy's room it had been filled with basic essentials except Lizzie's house held a sense of warmth like a blanket had been wrapped around your shoulders and snuggled you tightly whereas Tommy's room seemed to remain cold.
"Come take a seat! M'just makin' a cup of tea, you want one?" Lizzie asked closing the front door and walking ahead of Aurora.
Following Lizzie, Aurora found herself led into the kitchen and pulling out a chair that was tucked neatly under a small table, Aurora gently placed herself in it and continued to look around. It give Aurora a sense of relief to know Lizzie had a proper home and wasn't stuck within the whore houses and hotels scattered across Birmingham. Some women did not have the luxury of a home to come to after a long day of work.

A few moments of silence passed between the two women until Lizzie approached the table with a tray of tea and biscuits.
"What did you want to talk about?" Lizzie questioned placing a tea cup in front of Aurora who accepted it with a thankful smile.
"Yesterday, you ran out on me as soon as I uttered the Shelby name and I wanted to come make sure you were orright"
"I'm sorry for running out but my past experiences with the Shelby's 'ave never ended well and I don't want to be mixed up again" Lizzie sighed, her eyes filled with sadness. People never saw Lizzie as a person with emotions and feelings but she was a person who felt and she was a person who didn't want her heart broke again.
"I understand Lizzie, Polly told me everything and if you don't want the Shelby's involved in your life then I won't force you to but I still want to help you and be your friend if you'll have me?" Aurora replied wanting Lizzie to see the truth in her eyes and know she meant every word.
"You want to be my...friend?" Lizzie whispered, more so to herself than Aurora.
"Yes! I like you Lizzie and I need friends in this place especially if I'm going to be here a lot more often. So what do you say, friends?" Aurora exclaimed, beaming at Lizzie from across the table and waiting for an answer what would either make her incredibly happy or disappointed.
"Yeah friends, I'd like that" Lizzie grinned back feeling her heart flutter inside her chest.
She had a friend! Lizzie Stark had a friend! The joy it brought she was indescribable, she had never felt a happiness like it. Lizzie had come close to when she was about to marry John but this time it was different.
"Thank you Lizzie, 'ere I have something for you!" Aurora announced, eagerly setting her purse on to her lap and reaching in to it.
Pulling her hand out, Aurora presented a large amount of notes and placed it in front of Lizzie, ten pounds to be exact. Letting out a startled gasp Lizzie looked down it shock, it was more than she made in a month, perhaps even two months.

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