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Aurora was feeling euphoric, stepping out the car and on to the pavement of Watery Lane. It seemed years had passes since she was last here but true to his word Tommy, this morning helped her pack a bag and brought Aurora with him. She had reassured him that she wouldn't be in the way or stop him going about his business, Aurora didn't mind being left to explore. It would give her the chance to find his new office and if she got lost, there was always taxi's on hand. Tommy, despite Aurora's reassurance saw nothing wrong with her being in the way. He had wanted her in Small Heath, closer to him instead of being somewhere he couldn't watch over her and keep her safe. Tommy could also see tensions rising at a dramatic rate within her family and getting her away would possibly do the family some good.

"I think coming here was one of me best ideas Tommy" Aurora smiled as Tommy held open the door to the main part of the house and gestured for her to come in.
"Agreed mouse" Tommy replied, feeling a sense of pride at her excitement to be in his home.
"Good, I'd be offended if you didn't"
Watching Tommy roll his eyes, Aurora stepped forwards and lightly slapped his cheek while poking her tongue out. Aurora was trying to keep the mood light but underneath the surface she was incredibly nervous. She adored Tommy's family and had met them on different occasions yet she didn't know them personally.
What if during her stay they decided they didn't like her?
Aurora didn't want to try too hard and look a fool. She also couldn't try at all and seem rude. They all had appeared to like her before, perhaps she was overthinking, she always did.
"Stop it" Tommy muttered placing his hand on her back and giving Aurora a light push until she had no choice but to step inside the house.
Aurora, aware she had been caught doing the very thing he disliked about her, shook her head and headed inside.

Stepping inside the house, Aurora was greeted with the sight of Arthur sat on the couch, looking deeply into a glass of whiskey.
"Finally Tommy, Polly called a family meeting" he began hearing the door open only to see Aurora stood nervously by the entrance as he looked up "ello there love! Good to see you again!"
Jumping up from his seat, Arthur headed over to Aurora and placed a kiss on her cheek before wrapping an arm around her shoulder.
"Hey Arthur! How are you?" Aurora beamed, wrapping her own arm around his waist in order to steady herself.
"M'great love! Tommy bring you 'ere?"
"He did, I asked him to, wanted to get away from home for a bit" Aurora sighed giving Arthur a look of exhaustion.
Feeling pity for the girl, Arthur pulled her in closer and rubbed her shoulder gently.
"Well you can always call Small Heath home, can't she Tom?" Arthur chirped turning to look at his brother as he guided Aurora towards the couch, he wanted her to be comfortable.
Nodding his head, Tommy lit a cigarette and listened to the familiar footsteps approaching from behind the kitchen door. It didn't take long for the door to swing open revealing Polly who didn't look too amused.
"Both of you in the kitchen now" she demanded, her stern eyes flickering between Tommy and Arthur.
Noticing Aurora, Polly's face went from annoyance to kind, like a mother seeing a beloved child for the first time.
"Good morning Polly" Aurora smiled, waving from where she sat.
"Morning darling, please help yourself to anything while I talk to the boys"
Aurora's nerves had completely diminished themselves, the atmosphere in the house was warm and welcoming. It was starting to feel like home already but it was only early, a lot could happen in the day to come. For right now though, Aurora was elated.

"Thank you Polly"
"Perhaps you'll join us for family meetings one day" Arthur chimed giving Aurora a wink.
It was a nice thought, to be able to attend family members. It would be a privileged Aurora, one she knew she had to earn. The Shelby's didn't give out their trust easily, not even to the people close to them. Family meetings appeared to be an extremely good tactic, maybe if Aurora's family had them there wouldn't be as many failures and miscommunication. Business was usually all over the place when it came to the Hayes but the Shelby's always seemed to know what was going on and when things were happening. Being in the Hayes family meant you remained in the dark until the last second or if something went wrong.
Feeling Tommy squeeze her shoulder, Aurora broke free from her thoughts and looked up at him.
"Won't be long mouse, make yourself comfortable" Tommy grumbled taking in Polly's frustrated face, she wasn't happy about something and he knew his ears were about to burn.
Nodding her head, Aurora watched them all disappear into the kitchen door, shutting it behind them with a loud thud. Holding her hands, Aurora placed her elbows on her knees.
What did she do now?
How could she entertain herself while the meeting went on?
Aurora didn't want to move from her spot and explore, she may have been visiting but it didn't give her the right to go through their home. Tommy had done it in her house and she was happy to let him, Aurora on the other hand wasn't brave enough to do it back.

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