Small Heath

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"Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam
Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home
A charm from the skies seems to hallow us there
Which seek thro' the world, is ne'er met elsewhere
Home! Home!
Sweet, sweet home!
There's no place like home
There's no place like home!"

Aurora sang to herself, flipping the egg in the pan while reaching for her toast to munch on. Today was a good day, she felt happy and at peace with herself. It was one of the few occasions that Aurora didn't wake up and reach for a hard drink, instead she wanted food and lots of it. Ever since the argument at the stables, she had avoided her Mam and gave her Dad pathetic reasons on why she hadn't been answering her phone but it was a sunny Saturday, Aurora had calmed down and was ready to face her mam with a smile, she just hoped she had calmed down too. Her Mams concern was appreciated yet Aurora continued to believe she wasn't making a mistake in getting to know Tommy, his advice had helped her more than anyone even more than the bottle. For once Aurora felt in control.

The tulips had all unfortunately died and Aurora found herself missing them deeply. They made her house feel homely and fresh. It also reminded her that Tommy wasn't the cold hearted man people made him out to be and that there was something in him she liked so finishing work early yesterday afternoon, Aurora had went to the nearest florist and bought an array of tulips. She had placed a bouquet in every room and now that homely feeling was back.

A while later Aurora had pushed her plate to the side and was now resting with her feet up on the chair, drinking a cup of tea, still humming to herself. Before visiting her parents Aurora was going to visit Bill's grave, pick up some things from the shop and then have dinner with Mrs Finley next door. Moments passed nicely until the sound of Aurora's front door opening followed by hushed angry voices so rudely interrupted her morning tea.
"Will! I've spoke to her about this!"
"It's not your place to make decisions Anne, she's a grown woman!"
"A grown woman with no experience, this is a bad idea Will! You're only going to quicken her heartbreak"
"You know it's not like that Anne! It's work! She's going for work!"
"It's not just work anymore Will! You've seen the two of them! The secret glances, the moments alone!"
It looked like Aurora wouldn't have to travel to her parents today, they were already here and arguing in her hall. She guessed it was about her, actually it was quite obvious which annoyed Aurora greatly.
Why couldn't her Mam leave it alone?

"Morning! Mam, Dad, I'm in the kitchen" Aurora called out huffing slightly which caused their argument to go immediately silent.
"Good morning darling!"
Her Dad entered the room first, a cheery smile on his face as he greeted Aurora with a kiss on the forehead. Then her Mam entered, face like thunder and mouth twisted into a scowl. Aurora had to refrain from laughing watching the pair glare at her.
"Good morning bairn, your Dad has some news" Anne bit out trying her best to greet her child nicely but she just couldn't bring herself to feel happy about the current situation.
Seeing her Mams face Aurora started to think the worse and all humour she had felt before slipped from her body and in true Aurora style, she panicked.
"Bad news Dad? Is it the business?!"

"No, no Aurora don't worry! I have a meeting with the Shelby's at twelve noon and instead of them coming here, I'm going to them. Now since you are my second in command at the office I need you to come and take notes" William explained watching Aurora's eyes light up with something he had never seen from her before.
"Take notes, right!" Anne silently muttered, voice full of sarcasm as she also noticed the way her daughter lit up.
"Anne!" William was close to losing his temper yet his wife didn't care, she herself was heading directly onto the war path.
"I'd love to come Dad! How long are we staying? Will I need anything?" Aurora questioned jumping up from her seat with a wide grin.
She was going to Tommys home!
She was going to Small Heath!

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