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22 December 1924
"What's goin' on?"
A large frown was set upon Aurora's face as she watched two men remove the large portrait of Grace from the stairs. She'd woken up in a happy mood that morning having been left by Tommy to sleep in but now she felt unsettled and concerned. For once she was glad she didn't have Charlie in her arms to see this removal.
Hearing Aurora's voice, Tommy turned his head from the portrait and looked up at her with a smile, his feet already moving towards her.
"Good morning love" He greeted her with a quick kiss, the briefcase in his hand lightly slapping against her leg. Tommy was ready to run out the door to work. Aurora never saw him this late in the morning. On any normal day he would of been gone at this hour leaving her and Charlie to eat breakfast alone. Less than a month had passed since their wedding and already they had slipped into a routine and neither had reason to complain after all it was going so well. Tommy as always worked most of the day but made it a top priority to make it home and spend time with his family. For a man who hated rest he'd came to appreciate the more peaceful moments he found himself having when he finally hung up his coat and fell into the arms of the people he loved most.
They'd decided they would postpone their honeymoon until the family were home safe and there was nothing else to do that would require them to be here for some time. Tommy had offered to take her to many glorious destinations but in the end Aurora decided she wanted to do nothing but go on the road with him like they had planned to after Epsom. Travelling in Tommy's caravan offered them a lot more privacy than anywhere else and Aurora wanted to experience what life on the road was like with him.
For now it would be nothing but a dream until the appeal was done with, a dream worth waiting for.

"Tommy what's goin' on?" Aurora asked again turning her attention to him with a puzzled look expecting an answer.
"I just thought it was time for a change. I've seen the look on your face each time you've passed the painting, how you frantically turn your head back over and over. I know you feel her presence and I know how uncomfortable it makes you" Tommy explained holding his hand up for Aurora to pause as a protest began to build on the tip of her tongue "You're goin' to say it doesn't but I can read you Aurora, you don't always have to speak for me to understand what's goin' on"
Tommy was right, the portrait did make her feel uncomfortable. She hated the way Grace gazed at her every time she walked up and down the stairs but it wasn't just the portrait that was the issue, it was the house. It didn't matter where she went or what room she was in, Aurora always felt the woman's presence. Of course she ignored it, she had no other options yet it seemed she wasn't too good at hiding her discomfort for Tommy. Aurora would bare Grace's haunting stare because this was Charlie's house and Grace his Mummy.

A sense of guilt welled up inside her. This was happening because of her. If she'd just hid her emotions a bit more, Tommy wouldn't be here having the portrait removed from sight. If it upset Charlie Aurora vowed to put the thing back up herself.
"You don't have to take it down Tommy, not for me. It's good that Charlie has these things to remember her by. He's so young and memory is forever changing, I don't want him to forget her face even if one day he's forgotten what she sounded like" Aurora finally replied wrapping her arms around Tommy's waist and tucking her head underneath his chin. With the portrait now removed they'd been left on the stairs alone to talk. She knew he would want to get to work now the house was under control once more but she couldn't let him leave, not until she was sure this is what he wanted.
"Charlie will not forget her mouse. He has all her things, her clothes, perfumes, jewellery, everythin' he needs is right there in the old bedroom and there's more photographs around the house that I will keep up for him so he can gaze at them whenever he wants to. Don't worry love, one portrait will not destroy any of his memories. I would also like my wife to feel comfortable in her own home. You live here too now and I won't have you watching over your shoulder for ghosts"

As much as she disliked the house, it was her home for now. Aurora didn't know how much longer they'd live here but she did want to feel comfortable, she didn't want to be a stranger here. It meant a lot to Aurora that Tommy was willing to do this for her. It may have something as simple as removing a painting but the meaning behind it was what mattered. Now she'd be able to walk past without feeling that crushing glare on her.
Leaning up, Aurora kissed Tommy sweetly on the lips and smiled.
"Thank you Tom, perhaps we could hang the painting up in his room. Saves it from collecting dust and m'sure it would make Charlie happy"
"Perhaps love but for now it's time for me to get to work" Tommy announced pulling her close for another kiss before he let go of her waist and straightened his coat. He was already running far behind schedule and the longer he stayed here debating paintings the more work time was wasted.
"Ok I'll let you go run your empire Mr Shelby, remember to be home for tea" Aurora smiled, a warning hidden within her tone. A warning that told Tommy if he tried to miss dinner she'd drive down to Birmingham and hunt him down where she'd drag him through the streets by his ear. If Aurora was going to be cooped up in this house for a bit then the least Tommy could do was make it home for tea. She needed to find some work, she couldn't live the life of a stay at home wife doing nothing all day until her husband came home. Of course most of the time Aurora was with Charlie but in the times she found herself alone she wished her Dad would appear with a tall mountain of papers.
"Always love, I'll see you later" With a cheeky wink Tommy left Aurora on the stairs and made his way to the front door, his coat swooshing behind him dramatically as he went.
"I'll see you later" Aurora muttered walking slowly down the stairs, intending to go into her office and get a few hours of painting done whilst Charlie played trains with Mary.

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