Boat Trip

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"Beautiful isn't she?" Aurora grinned running her fingers through Lithe's now untangled mane as she looked at Tommy who was inspecting the mare.
"I thought you weren't buying no more horses mouse" Tommy pointed out finding himself moving closer towards Lithe and running his hand up her nose. Indeed she was beautiful but when Aurora had told Tommy she had a surprise for him this was the last thing he expected.
"I didn't buy her Tommy, I found her abandoned in the field. She was in such a state and I didn't want to leave her so I brought her up to the stable, got her washed, cleaned and cared for her while you were gone but she can't stay 'ere which is why I want us to take her to Small Heath. We can get her comfortable with the other horses and have Curly watch over her while we wait for the foal to arrive" Aurora explained patting Lithe's side lovingly, excitement shinning through her eyes.
"She's expecting?" Tommy whistled coming round to Aurora's side and staring down at the mare. It was too soon to tell but Tommy also felt his eyes widening slightly in the same excitement as Aurora's. He loved handling pregnant mares from being a boy. There was just something special about caring for a pregnant mare and being there during delivery, an unspoken bond occurred each time for Tommy. To him it was like receiving a new family member, a child to take care for until they were independent enough to go at life alone.

"Yes, she's due late July, a summer babe" Aurora practically squealed in delight knowing how she now wanted to spend her birthday.
She watched Tommy circle Lithe for a moment believing he couldn't possibly say no but just in case he was planning to Aurora quickly let out a sigh and frowned lightly.
"I suppose I could always leave her in Jane's care if there's no room"
"There's room" Tommy piped up joining Aurora's side again and smiled at her whilst stroking Lithe's form. Tommy always had room for another horse.
"Thank you Tommy! Curly's goin' to be so 'appy!" Aurora clapped before wrapping her arms around Tommy's waist and squeezing tightly, apologising as let out a little hiss of pain.
"Do you have a box for her mouse?" Tommy enquired, his full attention still on Lithe and the growing foal inside her.
"Yeah, round the back" Aurora nodded looking around the stable to make sure she had enough resources to get Lithe to Small Heath as smoothly as possible while making it extremely comfortable for the mare. Aurora did not yet know what Lithe was like during travel or if she had been travelling before so she would proceed with caution.
"Good, we can take her back with us tonight" Tommy stated "Go on girl, go stretch your legs"
Petting Lithe, he gave her a gentle push towards the open doors allowing her to come and go as she pleased during the day and run around the fields until she had to be placed in the box.
"We're goin' back tonight Tom?" Aurora asked trying to mask her happiness and eagerness to leave Middlesbrough. It wasn't as safe as Tommy intended it to be, there were still ways for the enemy to get to her. Aurora didn't want to let Tommy know, it would serve as his reasoning not to let her come back whenever she pleased to see her family.
"Yes, if we go tomorrow we won't make it back in time to surprise Polly at the shop" Tommy replied placing his hand on the small of Aurora's back and leading her out the stable.
"Suppose you're right. I've finished me work here so there's no reason for us to stay"
The sooner they left the sooner Aurora felt safe from those who threatened them.

"Is there another reason you're so eager to get away mouse?" Tommy asked already knowing the answer but as impatient as he was in his life he would keep it at bay for Aurora and give her the opportunity to open up.
"" Aurora answered meekly, cringing inwardly knowing her small lie was far from believable. She needed to tell him.
Tommy, aware of her lie resisted the urge to roll his eyes and clenching his teeth together he looked down at Aurora who was refusing to look at him and nodded.
"Ok mouse"
'Shit! He knows M'lying" Aurora thought as she took hold of Tommy's hand and squeezed it.
Tommy took it as a sign the truth would follow soon, perhaps it would come while they were in the car back to Small Heath in the silent darkness of night.

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