A Baby

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"I'm not certain if we're havin' a little blinder or a Shelby princess, maybe she'll be a blinder too but we did it Tommy, we're goin' to have a baby" Aurora reached out to run her fingers along the pink bow in Tommy's hand with a joyful smile. She didn't care whether it was going to be a boy or girl, she would be happy with either. Aurora just wanted to hold her baby in her arms.
She watched Tommy, curious to what his reaction would be. They'd both wanted another baby and had been trying since Christmas but now that she was breaking the news to him, Tommy remained too silent for a man who wanted this just as much as she did. Aurora wasn't concerned that Tommy did want this baby now, she knew he did but watching the hint of a smile dim on his face as his eyes grew mournful it was clear to see that there was something troubling him.

"Is this why you've been so distant love? If you're having second thoughts about the baby....I..." Tommy started struggling to find his words, the lump in his throat choking.
What was he going to do if she didn't want this baby?
Of course he would support her no matter the decision but it would kill him. He wanted to see that beautiful baby he saw in his dreams with beautiful dark curls and sweet rosy cheeks.
"Oh God no Tommy!" Aurora exclaimed with a sharp gasp quickly moving herself to sit on his knee. Cupping his cheek, she felt her heart drop to the floor "Forgive me Tommy, I am so sorry. Please never think that I don't want this baby because I do more than anything I swear"
"If it's not what you want please don't force it to please me love" Tommy closed his eyes leaning into her hand and placing a light kiss on her palm. He couldn't bring himself to look at her, afraid his own feelings would stir her from what she wanted. Gripping the bow and cap in his hand he tried to force his mind away from the baby growing inside her. He didn't even know how far along she was. All he knew was she'd been sad for a few weeks and he was willing to bet it had started once she'd found out the news.
"Tommy look at me please" She begged "Why would I want to 'ave a baby with you and then change my mind all of a sudden"
"I don't know Aurora" For once Tommy didn't have an answer but opening his eyes as she'd asked him too he saw nothing but truth swimming within her own.

"When I found out I was surprised, it wasn't a shock because we'd be tryin'. I was nervous as any Mam would be but fuck Tommy I was so happy I wanted to tell you right away" Aurora explained, cutting herself off feeling fresh tears coming down her cheeks "The night I found out the nightmares started, I was losing this baby just as I lost Lewis. Waking up in a pool of blood, all alone. I tried lookin' for you every time but you weren't there and then the pain would hit and the box....the box with our baby inside would appear before me but I couldn't save it from sinking....I couldn't save it Tom"

Placing the cap and bow back in the box, Tommy quickly wrapped his arms around Aurora and pulled her into him, kissing the side of her head over and over as she began to weep.
"I'm sorry mouse, I should of been there for you" Tommy whispered, the sound of the shovel hitting the dirt echoing throughout his mind. He saw himself there again, digging their boy's grave. The pain of the task had broke his heart but Aurora had woken up alone, in pain, covered in blood with a little body resting between her legs.
It was then Tommy realised what Aurora had been waiting for, she'd been waiting to lose this child in the same way she'd lost Lewis.
"I should of told you Tom but I didn't want to disappoint you, I didn't want to cause you heartache by losing this baby. I wanted to spare what hurt I could and battle these nightmares quietly while I waited to cross thirteen weeks. I thought if I could pass it everythin' would be alright, our baby would be safe. I only got thirteen weeks with Lewis, why would I be allowed more this time around?"

"Hey, hey" Tommy cut through her cries as he took her chin in his hand and forced Aurora to look at him "You could never disappoint mouse. We're married, we go through everything together, lose, pain, happiness. We share the worst burdens and the greatest joys....together. Never think to spare me when your own heart is heavy"
Leaning in, he kissed her gently on the lips, his fingers brushing the tears from her face.
"How far along are you mouse?" He whispered against her lips feeling her smile, a small sob escaping the back of her throat.
Resting her hand against her stomach, Aurora grinned down at it before looking back up at him, her eyes shinning with both happiness and tears.
"Fourteen weeks Tom, I told you I made it, the baby made it. The book I got from the library informed me that he or she is now the size of a peach"
"Well look at that we've got ourselves a peach" Placing his hand on top of hers, Tommy let his head drop into her shoulder and exhaled deeply. They were going to have a baby, due just in time for the holidays, a Christmas baby. There was nothing more Tommy could possibly want. No gift was greater than his children.
"Went to a back house in Ward End to find out, knew our doctor would snitch to you before I could" Aurora laughed remembering how startled the midwife had been to see a Shelby at her door "I can't buy his silence but I can but it from others"
"So that's what we're doing now? Buying people's silence to keep secrets from your husband Mrs Shelby, ey" Tommy tutted shaking his head in a mock of disappointment. Of course she hadn't went to the family doctor, the news would have reached his ears before the doctor had left the house. As much as Tommy preferred to know what was going on in his family he had enjoyed the surprise of finding out.
"Well I can't 'ave you knowing everythin', that would be unfair" Aurora moaned with a frown, humour swimming in her eyes "When should we tell Charlie?"
"Tomorrow morning when he's had his breakfast, he'll only be too excited to eat if we tell him beforehand" Tommy informed her. Just like Aurora and himself, Charlie had been excited at the thought of a playmate. They'd asked him a few weeks ago what he thought about the idea of having a younger sibling and lucky for them he'd liked the idea. Although Charlie wasn't too sure where babies came from and thought he'd receive his sibling in the post all ready to go with the ability to play with his trains.
"I'm certain he'll be overjoyed to know he's gettin' a brother or sister in the post. I sure hope the mailman remembers to put air holes in the box" Aurora snickered as she thought about her poor boy. What would he do when she begins to show? How would they explain that the baby was in fact inside her and not waiting to be posted to the house?

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