Whiskey Courage

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"What...what did you...dooo?" Aurora gasped leaning forwards as George told her another one of his stories.
George was an old man who upon seeing Aurora in distress came to her side in the hopes of cheering up. He was a kind man, Aurora found him extremely funny and her amusement only grew the more she drank. George felt sorry for the young drunk girl sat besides him at the bar, she was deeply upset and in a delicate state. Something bad must have happened in order to make such a sweet girl so incredibly sad and not wanting other men to take advantage, George swept in and made it his purpose to make sure she remained safe through her time of need.
"I ran, hid in the stables just past me uncles house for two days" George reminisced taking a drink of his beer.
"Did your Mmam...find you?" Aurora hiccuped, her eyes wide as she held on to his every word.
"Oh she whipped me hard when I was found!"
"Serves you right! You ole fool! You put the kitchen window through then ran for two days, must have went out her mind!"
"I'm sure you did naughty things as a child Miss Aurora" George joked watching Aurora take another long drink from her whiskey bottle. He had tried to remove it from her grasp but gave up through the fear that he was about to get bit.
"Sssshhh George! Don't tell anyone but.....I opened the car door while me Dad was driving. Took me thighs off he did!" Aurora nodded putting her finger to her lips and making a shushing sound, unaware that she was the loudest person in the pub.
"Why'd you do that?!" George exclaimed slamming his hand on the bar with a loud laugh.
"I..I don't know George!.....Woah!"
As Aurora threw her head back to laugh with him, her stool flipped sending her crashing to the floor like a sack of potatoes. Managing to stop her whiskey from spilling, Aurora burst into a fit of uncontrollable giggles.

"Right come on you" George grunted jumping down from his stool and with all the strength he could muster he gripped Aurora underneath her arms and pulled her to her feet.
"Are you ok love?" The barman who's name Aurora had found out was Keith called out to her, stopping his service to other customers to come over and check on her.
"I'm ok....whiskey...is ok" Aurora muttered to herself struggling to balance on her feet as she hugged the bottle to her chest.
"The whiskey isn't important me dear" George grinned gently gripping her arms so she didn't fall back over.
"Course it is, stops the hurt George" Aurora sighed, her bottom lip threatening to tremble.
No! She wasn't going to cry, Thomas Shelby wasn't worth the tears!
"Why don't we sit at a table? It's safer" George encouraged Aurora, already steering her away from the bar towards the back of the room. The further away she was, the more likely she wouldn't be able to make it to the bar for more drink.

"Ta!" Aurora thanked George with a drunken smile as he placed her on a chair, finally the room had stopped spinning leaving her to focus on the bottle.
"I can see that you are still not ready to share you story so how 'bout another one of mine?"
"Oh! Please George! You have the best...best stor...ies!" Discarding her whiskey Aurora clapped her hands in excitement.
Her eyes shined in wonder and admiration, even though drunk and hurting she refused to stop smiling at George, she was grateful for her new friend even if this was the first and last time she would see him. Perhaps they could become drinking friends! Aurora could have dinner with Mrs a Finley and then go to the pub with George, it was a perfect plan.

Listening to George begin his new story Aurora was vaguely aware of the pub doors opening until someone let out a gasp near her.
"Fuck me! A Peaky Blinder in the Golden Lion!"
Hearing this Aurora shook her head until her curls fell in front of her face and bringing her hands up she placed them either side of her cheeks before leaning forwards.
"Shit! It can't be!....I need to get out of 'ere!.....George I need.. to... leave!" Aurora hissed, trying to sink further down in her seat much to the amusement of George who was currently watching the Peaky Blinder head towards the bar.
"What can I help you with sir?" Keith chirped hiding his nerves as the strangers piercing eyes burned into him.
"I'm lookin' for Aurora Hayes, heard she was here"
Fuck! Aurora could recognise that gruff deep voice anywhere.
It was Tommy! The very person she didn't want to see! The very person she was angry at!
What were the chances that he would be in the Golden Lion fucking looking for her like a man who had lost a stray?

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