Opening Night

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"Are you still coming tonight? Whose bringing you? Do you want me to send a car, I will if I 'ave to?!" Aurora shot out, stumbling over her words as soon as her telephone call had went through.
"Yes Aurora m'still coming don't worry and Arthur offered to bring me so I said yes" Lizzie laughed trying to reassure her nervous friend, knowing Aurora was currently biting down on her thumb nail. It was a habit Lizzie had picked up from her over the last few months. Aurora became nervous very easily, it came with her good nature and being around her so often had also made Lizzie a nervous person.

"That's good....that's good" Aurora muttered pulling her thumb away from her teeth and digging it into the wood of the telephone table.
Today was the opening night of The White Tulip and Aurora felt fit to burst. While not the host, Aurora had still been given the full weight of this event. Everything had to be perfect, everything down to the last detail and unfortunately Aurora wasn't good at these things. She didn't know how to throw a birthday party, never mind taking control of a club opening.

Aurora had cried many time since waking, unable to handle the amount of pressure on her shoulders yet each time she dried her tears and continued on. She didn't have time to sit and cry, everyone was counting on her especially Tommy. Her Dad had also expressed how disappointed he would be if tonight didn't go to plan and while he tried to say his words weren't aimed, the look that he gave Aurora told her they were meant for her.
Why was everything down to her?
It wasn't even her club!

"Aurora! Aurora are you orright?" Lizzie asked softly after a few short moments of hearing Aurora's panicked breaths coming through the phone.
"Yeah Lizzie m'orright.....listen I have to go Jane will be 'ere soon to get dressed" Aurora replied, her tone weak and tired. Soon it would all be over and she could go on as she did before. Perhaps she could even start forming plans to make her escape from the company easier for both her and everyone involved.
"Ok, I'll see you tonight. If you need any help at all phone me"
"I will, thank you Lizzie"
Aurora wanted until Lizzie's end cut off before putting the phone down and leaning her head against the wall.
'You got this Rora, it's just a fucking party' she groaned to herself quietly and taking a deep breath she pushed herself away from the wall and headed into the kitchen. Aurora needed a drink and then she would continue on with the phone calls and all the work she had to do. Aurora just hoped she had time to get dressed before Tommy showed up at her door.

To Aurora's relief the hours passed by quickly and as soon as 3pm hit she was free to move on to the most exciting part of the day. Her custom made gown was hung upon her wardrobe filling her with bubbling anticipation and excitement. The dress had arrived yesterday morning, a gift from Tommy. It was white of course. Tommy had informed Aurora that she was the tulip after all and it was only fitting she wore white tonight. Everyone else had been told to wear blue or black unless they wanted to face being turned away. Aurora heavily disliked being the centre of attention but she appreciated Tommy's sentiment and reasoning for doing it.

Aurora started by taking a hot bath and as she sank down into the rose scented water she felt the stress of the last few days slowly begin to evaporate into the stream above.
She let her thoughts drift to a Tommy, she could see him standing outside her door dressed in his sharp blue suit, his hair neatly styled upon his head in true peaky fashion, his cap no where in sight. It was a special occasion after all but he wouldn't be unarmed. Aurora could see the silver of his gun under the moonlight as it peaked out of the lapels of his jacket, sending out a warning to all who needed it.
Tonight Tommy would act like the perfect business man he was, he would charm everyone around them with that promising smirk of his and lure them in yet as soon as he stepped into her house after the show was over he would be her Tommy once again. The one who's smile lit up his eyes, the one who would hold her all night and whisper sweet nothings in her ear. No one else would know this side of Tommy except her nor would she ever tell anyone. Aurora loved having this Tommy and despite him not having told her he loved her back, Aurora knew he cared for her more than most and she was content with that fact.

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