Old Friend

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He had sent her a single red rose this time, a thank you for the painting he unwrapped after noticing it in his car. Aurora had been thrilled to hear of his gratitude, the gift was perfect and Tommy was happy. In the beginning she had almost fought with him due to his lack of awareness of the painting being a gift and demanding to pay for it. Aurora expressed that it wasn't the start of her 'prostituting' her word and she would continue to freely hand him parts of herself. She didn't tell him through feeling embarrassed but Tommy knew where Aurora stood when it came to him. Aurora in time wanted to give him every part of her, she wanted to be by his side. Never had she liked being away from home in fact she hated it. Aurora now thought there was nothing worse than being a home and the urge travel to Small Heath was clawing at her heart and mind.
Aurora had spent the morning after Tommy left researching and looking for buildings to become his new office. She took the work incredibly serious and after hours of hunting down possibilities Aurora had formed a list, it was a long list but she was more than willing to visit every building until all Tommy's requirements were met. Tommy had given her a month to find what he was looking for and while it had seemed generous at first, Aurora could now see just how demanding and difficult it was going to be.

It had just passed noon when Aurora decided a break was needed. The sun was bright and the streets were warm, pulling people from their homes. She could hear kids out in the street, laughing and playing why their parents drank happily. Aurora wanted to be a part of the beautiful atmosphere outside so grabbing an empty basket, she headed on outside. Hers eyes protested against the sun, willing Aurora to go back inside and work but protesting against the idea, Aurora walked on giving each neighbour a smile. She would head into the heart of town and pick up the ingredients she needed in order to bake. It was nice to be outside, enjoying the fresh air without the need of a winter coat, without trembling with each gust of wind. Summer was nearing and Aurora couldn't contain her excitement.

As Aurora wondered down the street she found herself getting lost in thought. After what happened yesterday afternoon, Aurora was avoiding her parents, particularly her Dad. She couldn't face either of them yet, Aurora wasn't sure what she'd say or do when confronted with the issue again. She hoped her Dad had finally told Debbie to go away for good but knowing the woman she would remain in their lives until her dying breath. Aurora would never think to hurt anyone, she wasn't like her family yet there was something about Debbie that made her want to do the most unspeakable of things. If Aurora had it in her, she would happily kill the woman yet deep down she knew she would never, she couldn't. Despite the hate building inside her, threatening to escape, Aurora would feel guilt if she were to act out. Being exhausted from the all the trouble that had occurred over the years, Aurora had made a promise last night while laid in bed that she wouldn't get involved anymore and instead would focus on her own happiness. She finally felt she had reached the highest level of happiness since Henry's death and it wouldn't do to be constantly seeking out the sadness in life.

"Daisy! Daisyyyyyyy!"
A familiar voice called out from behind Aurora and hearing her old school nickname, she turned around with a smile. There, running towards her was Peter, her best friend through primary school. Aurora hadn't seen him since they were fourteen and his parents had moved down South but she could recognise that cheeky grin anywhere. His eyes were always lit up and full of mischief which if he was still the same as before would be true. Trouble never found Peter, he was that kid who started it. Watching him bump into people on his way over to her, Aurora let out a laugh and shook her head.
"Peter! Watch out!"
"Finally Daisy! Been calling yah for ages! You gone deaf in your old age woman!"
Ah Daisy.
Memories came flooding back and Aurora felt her heart open up to accept them. Peter had given her the nickname when they were six. When the children went out to play, Aurora had the habit of hiding down at the bottom of the school field and decorating her hair with daisies. She would always forget they were in there and would walk back into class, her head full and heavy. Aurora's teacher at the time Mrs Counter would clip her round the ears and drag her to the toilet to remove the flowers. Peter would find entertainment in it and wanting to impress her friend, Aurora began to do it purposely each day and take the harsh slaps that came from Mrs Counter's cold hand. Aurora's ears would ring for hours but at least it brought a smile to Peter's face.

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