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William watched Aurora stroll into his office, papers in hand and a wide smile on her face. She had been in this happy mood for over a week and while it was an odd occurrence, William couldn't help but see it as one of the biggest blessings. He had no clue what or who made her so smiley yet he wouldn't question it, he would remain quiet and thankful.
Aurora surprisingly came into work everyday, with no complaints and was more than willing to work with his illegitimate businesses as well as focusing on legal aspects. William had yet to meet a woman who matched his daughters intellect and intelligence. Jane had been graced with beauty but she was as brainless as they came. He loved all his children equally but Aurora was the one who made him most proud, his youngest baby would take over the company one day and would make far greater than he ever could.

"Yes Aurora?" William questions brightly, beckoning Aurora forwards until she loomed over his desk.
"So these are the letters you needed written out, you just need to sign your name and I'll send them off. You also received a letter inviting you to Granny's birthday, I was going to decline but it's your Mam so it's your decision Dad, just let me know in advance if you say yes then I can choose to be busy that day"
Pulling the papers from her arm Aurora placed them in front of her Dad before perching herself on the edge of the desk and looking over to the door in order to make sure she had closed it after her.

"Chris phoned Dad, wants to know where in Birmingham he needs to take the cargo. He's got it packed and ready, he just needs the orders" Aurora whispered leaning closer to her Dad while twiddling with her fingers.
It also made her feel quite sick talking about illegal jobs but it was a big part of the family and she needed to get used to it.
"Tell him Charlie Strong's Yard, Small Heath, Thursday at four in the morning. The waters will be empty, passage will be easy. The Peaky Blinders aim to be there to help with the offloading, if not their uncle Charlie will take charge"
Nodding along to her Dad's words Aurora listened intently, she had a habit of focusing more as soon as Birmingham was mentioned.
"Ok Dad I'll phone him back now"
Jumping down from the desk Aurora gave him a wide smile and turning on her heels she made to make a swift exit.

"Aurora! Wait! I want a word with you" William called out, gesturing her to take a seat as she turned around with a nervous grimace.
"Yes Dad?"
Slowly sitting down Aurora gripped the arms of the chair and locked eyes with her Dad.
What had she done now?
Just when she thought things were fine.

"Tell me Aurora, how are you?"
"Me?....I...I...'m doing....good Dad, how are you?" Aurora stumbled over her words, not expecting this kind of conversation causing her to be completely thrown off.
"I wanted you to know that you're doing a great job Chavi, me and your Mam are proud of you. Without you this business would fail, 'm in your debt, always" William was smiling but his eyes were serious and full of admiration, he needed Aurora to know just how much he appreciated her not just as his child but a working woman.
"Oh Dad! You going soft on me?"
"Never! Now get out my office!"
Laughing Aurora leaned over the desk and kissed her Dads cheek before practically skipping from the office, her joy untameable and ready to make her explode.

"Chris, Small Heath, Charlie Strong's Yard Thursday. Dad wants you there by four in the morning, Peaky Blinders may be there, if not pass the load directly to their uncle Charlie"
"You finally joining the bad side Rora?"
Her brothers tone was teasing, the seriousness in Aurora's voice had amused him greatly. It made him happy to see she was becoming more involved, it meant she didn't suffocate him with questions because she knew the answers before he did.
"No Chris, I'm here to make sure things get done. Get your day written down, I'll talk later"
"Yes boss!"

Shaking her head Aurora giggled and put the phone down before scanning through the diary in front of her, trying to find space to also write Thursdays plans down. Being her Dads new second in command at the office had made her diary packed tight. Some nights she slept at the office, fuelling her work with many cups of tea and the occasional whiskey. Aurora had been right to listen to Tommy, working consistently had helped with the nightmares. They still happened but not as much, these days typewriters and letters took over her dreams along with a certain Peaky Blinder.
Looking down at the pocket watch that laid in the open draw of her desk Aurora exhaled then leaned back in her chair, only two hours to go and she could go visit the stables. It was important that she still kept time for her horses to check on their health and take them on a gallop through the mass field that surrounded them. 

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