White Mare

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Aurora was walking with purpose through the streets of Small Heath, her hands tightly gripping the key to Tommy's car. She moved as quickly as possible, not wanting to leave Tommy at the hospital on his own for too long. He had a gun with him, perhaps he could shoot one or two of them but it wouldn't be enough. Tommy had sent her to get the car and come back for him. Her rules were to be not seen by anyone, not even the family. If they found out of Tommy's plan some of them would convince Aurora not to help him go through with it, particularly Polly. His mouse was easily persuaded at times, plus with the looming threat of Sabini he also didn't want Aurora out there alone which is why upon her head rested Tommy's crown. He had placed it there with her curls tucked up inside for added protection telling her to take whoever's eyes she had to and run without looking back until she made it home.

Aurora, luckily hadn't been given the opportunity to use the cap yet. The streets were dark and quiet, void of any life except from the occasional drunk man making his way home from the pub. The hour was getting late and time was of the essence as both Tommy and Aurora needed Tommy on his way before daylight broke through. She was wary about him going especially when he was at his weakest, it was too dangerous but Aurora believed in Tommy, she believed in his words and if Tommy said there was a way to get to Sabini then there was a way.

Tommy's car was in the next street, Aurora was so close, she couldn't fail now. If someone happened to come upon on her, Aurora was certain she would charge them whether she liked them or not. As she neared the corner leading into the street Aurora slipped off her shoes and held them in her hand before reaching up and lowering Tommy's cap down on her face with the other hand. She was certain no one could make out her features now especially in the dark or hear her footsteps approaching. The gravel along with small shards of broken glass nipped at her heels but Aurora ignored the irritating pain building within her feet and continued sneaking her way down the street, her back placed firmly against the wall, hiding her within the shadows of night. It was easier to sneak down here, there were no houses, only factories and with work having finished an hour or two before, it was unlikely that Aurora would be seen.

Aurora decided to run the last few steps and taking a peak around the corner she saw both their cars, still in their places without a scratch on them. She thought Sabini might have came and took them or set them alight but it didn't appear to be his way of doing things, Sabini was after the big fish. She stayed on the corner momentarily and scanned the area, squinting into the dark for threats, for the gleam of silver to catch her eyes before a gun could be placed at her head.
Slowly and surely, Aurora began to tip toe towards Tommy's car and as soon as she felt exterior brushing against her fingers she rushed to unlock the car door and jumped in, releasing the breath she didn't know she had been holding. Aurora didn't wait around for anyone to sneak up on her. Pushing the ignition button she felt the car come to life underneath her, filling Aurora with a sense of relief and gripping the wheel she reversed the car and disappeared as quickly as she had arrived.

"I told him to wait" she grumbled to herself spotting Tommy outside the hospital, leaning against the wall while he attempted to have a cigarette without falling over.
Bringing the car to a stop Aurora got out and shook her head at him in disapproval. He was a bigger target stood outside the hospital than in it.
"Tommy you should 'ave stayed in bed 'til I got 'ere" Aurora stated coming to stand by his side and taking the cigarette from his mouth she threw it far from them. Reaching for Tommy's cap Aurora took it off, allowing her curls to fall down her back and leaning up she placed Tommy's crown firmly back on his head.
"And waste more time mouse? Come on, help me to the fuckin' car" Tommy bit out grinding his teeth together in agony as Aurora leaned down and wrapped one arm around his waist, allowing Tommy to wrap his arms around her shoulders to support himself more.
"Being in pain doesn't bring out your best side does it?" Aurora rolled her eyes trying her hardest to carefully keep Tommy balanced.
"Fuck off!" Tommy chuckled deeply ruffling up her hair in a playful manner. Aurora was about to elbow him back like she always did but stopped short when she remembered the condition he was in. It wouldn't be wise for her to break him further, he'd never let her forget it.
"Careful Tommy, you don't want me to boot you in the shin" she warned knowing she would never go through with it but still, Aurora would have the warning heard.

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