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Earlier that evening
"And what about her?" Polly snarled viciously as Tommy finished his tirade of blame. Her glare matched Tommy's, both staring at one another like rabid dogs preparing to fight. She understood why he was upset, she understood his anger but Polly would not stand here and let him blame and degrade her like she were nothing but dog shit on his shoe.
"Arthur, John, Michael, Ada, me. You've placed the blame on everyone but the very person that isn't fucking here! The person who hasn't been seen since Charlie was snatched!"
"She wouldn't. He has her too, mouse wouldn't go willingly" Was all Tommy replied, the thought ludicrous to him. Not her, she wasn't responsible for Charlie's disappearance. Tommy knew Aurora had been took with him and was in just as much danger. The priest had told him so himself although Tommy hadn't needed to hear it from him. The woman's heart was made from the purest gold, she loved Charlie, she wouldn't hand him over to the enemy.
"A woman who's heart you've hurt over and over for the last few years suddenly drops her happy life in Middlesbrough to come play babysitter to Charlie. You never once thought that she might take revenge against you. She burnt your letter, she wanted nothing to do with you and you let her into your own home, near your son leaving him open to the enemy" Polly chuckled darkly watching Tommy's anger grow "Ah so it's alright to blame your family but not dear sweet Aurora"
"She loves this family! She loves Charlie.....and she loves me" Tommy protested strongly wondering why Polly would ever think to try and place the blame on her. Polly was always in Aurora's corner, it never mattered what was happening and it certainly didn't matter that Tommy was her blood nephew. She would always be for Aurora.
"Love, it's always fucking love with you when it comes to these women you believe you know. What about your family's love? That's never enough to stop up from jumping up our arses when things go wrong Thomas!" Polly screeched, he'd index finger stabbing him in the chest before she turned away and stormed towards her office. She didn't want to be anywhere near him right now or she would do something she'd regret later. Opening up her office door Polly turned to give Tommy one last disappointed look "I know Aurora would never do something like this and I love her too much to ever truly place blame upon her shoulders, I just wanted to show you how much it hurts to blame those you love and how fucking ridiculous it is to ever think your family would betray you"

Letting out a frustrated yell Tommy swiped the table with his hands, sending everything to the floor with a deafening crash.
"I don't have fuckin' time for this" He sneered to himself, hunched over the table whilst he took deep shaken breaths.
He remained there for a moment, his mind spinning and his throat filled with bile once again. He hadn't stopped feeling sick since he'd became aware of Charlie's and Aurora's disappearance. An image of their cold bodies resting in the ground took over his thoughts and pushing himself away from the table, Tommy exhaled deeply and began making his way to the door. All the shit happening within the family would have to wait until everything was over. His priority right now was saving Charlie and Aurora, they would not die, Tommy wouldn't fail.

The pressure from around Aurora's neck loosened slightly before the light disappeared due to a great weight falling upon her head. Her ears were ringing and as she laid under the great weight she noticed she was breathing again. It hurt to do so but it told Aurora that she wasn't dead, the light hadn't came for her after all. She tried to call out but found her throat constricted instead a series of sharp agonising coughs left her mouth.
Confusion and terror filled Aurora keeping her frozen on the ground where she could do nothing except cry. She was supposed to be dead yet her heart was beating viciously and the pain she so desperately wanted to go away grew worse and worse. Aurora didn't know why she didn't feel relieved, she hadn't wanted the light to take her and it had done as she wished.
The weight on top of her was pulled off just as quickly as it had fell on her and through her dotted vision she became aware of someone kneeling next to her. Hands slipped under her head and back lifting her up from the ground and pulling her into warmth.
"Are you alright Aurora?"
He was here.
It was over after all, there was still time to save Charlie, still time to win. Nodding her head, Aurora fought to find her strength and began lifting herself into a sitting position with Michael's help. Lifting her hand she pointed towards the door with wide, terrified eyes.
"" She rasped, feeling as if a thousand blades had been lodged deep within her throat. Turning her head slowly, Aurora took in her surroundings trying to ignore the gentle swaying of her body and the black specks that plagued her vision. On the ground resting inches away from them with a bullet in his head was the man who'd just tried to kill her. The loud pop that rang through the air had been a bullet ""
"Yeah" Michael responded, his own breathing heavy and shaken. His hands were trembling against Aurora's skin, she could feel the sweatiness of his palms seeping through his clothes.
Michael was the one to save her.
Had he broken prophecy? Would she live now?
"We 'ave to get Charlie"

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