The Shelby's

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"The Shelby's Dad?" Aurora questioned in confusion, she had never heard of them.
"Honey you are well aware of who the Shelby's are" William chuckled watching his daughters mind turn like stiff clockwork.
"I am?"
Crossing her arms, Aurora thought hard causing her eyebrows to burrow in confusion.
Was her Dad playing with her?
Had she met the Shelby's, perhaps as a child?
Maybe they had been in France with her Dad?
There were so many possibilities and every single one left her brain jumbled.

"Right Aurora I will rephrase it for you, the Peaky Blinders are coming"

Ah and there it was!
Aurora certainly knew of the Peaky Blinders, she had been told stories of the men with razor caps who through fear and respect owned Birmingham. They were of Gypsy heritage yet she had never met them. If it had not been for stories and personal experiences told by other travellers she would have thought the Peaky Blinders were a myth. Every story instilled fear within Aurora, they took people's eyes out for Christ sakes!

Which led her to her next question
What business did her dad have with them?

Aurora wasn't too blind, she knew what her family did but they were not on the scale of the Peaky's. Her dad was famous for his stealing, fights and killings yet that was in the past well Aurora thought it was in the past, now her family dealt with trade. The Hayes were also paid to protect anyone who came to them for help. Protecting the innocent had always been a big part of Aurora's heart. Her Dad and brothers dealt with the muscle and Aurora dealt with the aftermath like finding shelter for battered wives and abused children.

Fuck she was blind!

She had to be, seeming her Dad was in business with the Shelby family. This is why Aurora avoided this life, she hated the violence, the roughness, she hated the fear of her family being caught and hanged. Sometimes her curiosity was a curse, she was too nosey but never learned her lesson.

"Will you be careful Dad?" Aurora whispered finally finding her voice once again.
"Careful with what Rora?" William huffed knowing where the conversation was about to head.

Aurora did this every time he was due to meet business partners opposed to the law. She would batter her innocent eyes and plead her case. The list of reasons not to meet would go on and on until both of them were screaming.

"I know I can't stop you Dad" Aurora began trying to keep the peace and distract herself by cleaning "I've heard stories about the Peaky Blinders and they're not very good"

"All those stories are true Aurora but do not think them unreasonable. Do not disrespect them or betray their trust and they will remain good to you. They're incredible people Aurora you'll see" William grinned throwing Aurora his famous wink which did nothing to ease her worry.

"I trust you Dad" Aurora sighed in defeat wrapping her arms around herself and staring off into the distance where he brothers sat laughing around the fire.
"Finish cleaning up here Aurora while I speak with your Mam" William ordered as he walked towards Aurora and placed a kiss on her forehead.
"Yeah...ok..." she muttered kicking up snow, shivering as more filled her boots.

"Aurora! Another thing I forgot to mention" her Dad called out from over his shoulder while coming to a stop a few paces in front of her.
"What is it?"

"Tommy Shelby, he's not like any boss you have ever met. Do not! try to interrogate him, he will not react kindly! In fact don't speak to him unless addressed. Understood?!" His voice was firm and demanding causing Aurora's anger to boil.

"Who does this Tommy think he is? The king of blummin England!" She shouted back full of sarcasm and disbelief.
"No! Just the King of Birmingham chavi! You'd do well to remember that!"
Letting out a growl of irritation, Aurora spun round and began to march to where her brothers sat.

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