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May 25th
Arrow House
"Are you alright Mrs Shelby? Would you like me to fetch something else for you?" Violet asked stepping forwards in the dining room. She'd watched Mrs Shelby flick the food on her plate back and forth for fifteen minutes. It wasn't unusual for her to play with her breakfast, she often did it but to not eat at all was highly unusual. Breakfast wasn't the only meal Mrs Shelby didn't seem fond off, it seemed lately she'd lost her appetite for anything.
"Mrs Shelby?" Violet tried again, her fingers brushing against the edge of the tablecloth. She'd be in trouble if anyone caught her approaching the lady of the house in this way. When arriving at Arrow House Violet had been told of Mr and Mrs Shelby's kindness towards the workers but she'd also been warned not to approach without permission first by Mary.

Hearing that someone was speaking to her, Aurora broke free from her thoughts and looking down at the mess on her plate, she put her fork to the side and turned to see who was talking.
"Sorry, I was miles away" She giggled with a shake of her head "Please repeat what you said and forgive my rudeness"
"I was just wondering if you would like me to fetch you something else to eat Ma'am?" Violet smiled hoping not to choke on her words as she grew nervous. This was the first time she'd spoken to Mrs Shelby, it was always Mary who seen to her.
"Aurora, or Mrs Shelby if you must. M'still not used to bein' called anythin' but my name" Aurora responded with a kind smile "Thank you for the offer Violet but I'm not feeling hungry at the moment"
"Of course, sorry to bother you Mrs Shelby" Violet began to back away to her spot, surprised Mrs Shelby knew her name.
"You're new here aren't you, you came to us last month did you not?" Aurora frowned lightly as she tried to remember all those who'd been employed recently. She didn't like to just look at them and see workers, she always had to know their names in order to show them the same respect they gave her.

"Yes Mrs Shelby" Violet answered watching Mrs Shelby's eyes light up in satisfaction at guessing correctly.
"And how old are you?"
"Seventeen, my aunt who works in the kitchens promised my Mum to find me a job so I could gain the knowledge on what it's like to work"
She was so young. Aurora had been the same age when the war came to an end and she too was working. Her Dad had always expressed the importance of work and made sure all his children were gaining experience throughout their childhood, even if it were small simple jobs like handing out newspapers outside the shop. Being poor meant working for survival and even now as they sat in this big house, her and Tommy never forgot the importance of it.
"And how has it been so far, truthfully? I promise your words will not leave this room" Aurora reassured the young girl. She liked to believe everyone working here were happy and content and if not, it was Aurora's responsibility to make things better for them.
"I was scared at first, I'd heard rumours of Mr Shelby's reputation in the streets back home but I love working here Mrs Shelby. You're both different from other employers, you're kind and just. I feel comfortable here" Violet responded strongly, a wide smile on her face filling Aurora with joy.
"That's good to hear Violet, I'm glad you're liking it here and if you ever feel like you aren't please come see me" Getting up from her place at the table, Aurora brushed down her skirts and let out a deep breath "Will you tell the cook I'm sorry for wasting again? I have to be somewhere but I'll be back in time to take Charlie to the library this afternoon. Tell Mary not to give him too much sugar or he'll have us thrown out"

"Of course Mrs Shelby, have a good morning" Violet nodded retrieving the plate from the table and placing it back on the serving tray to take down to the kitchen.
Giving her a grateful look, Mrs Shelby turned and began making her way from the dining room, her heels tapping heavily against the floor as she seemed to rush to wherever she needed to be.
Violet carefully cleaned the table, making sure not to drop anything and destroy the expensive plates and glasses. Just one glass was worth more than her monthly salary, more than a months salary.
"Wasted her breakfast again" Mary exclaimed with a sharp frown upon entering the room and helping Violet clean.
"I think there's something wrong with Mrs Shelby Mary" Violet dared to speak up looking over at Mary in concern.
"What makes you say such a thing? Mrs Shelby seems perfectly fine to me" Mary protested taking the tray from Violet and ushering her out the room and into the back corridor where they'd be no peeping toms.

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