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Aurora was the first one awake that morning after a few short hours of restless sleep. Her eyes had only just began to close when the sound of birds chirping outside pulled Aurora back into the world. She stifled a tired yawn, not wanting to disturb Tommy. He had fallen asleep with his arms around her hips and his head resting on her stomach and to her surprise he was still there. Looking down she couldn't help but smell as she admired the way his bottom lip outed during his sleep or the way his hair graciously fell across his forehead. His troubled face had stilled for a moment giving way to a peaceful one making him appear angelic and childlike. It would soon disappear when he woke and the trouble came back.

After his confession last night Aurora had done all she could to comfort him and in the end after tossing and turning in bed, Tommy had curled himself around her. It was one of those rare occasions where Aurora didn't ask questions or bother him for answer. She wasn't certain she needed the answer. Tommy had killed someone. Aurora didn't know who or why but she was convinced Tommy had found himself in a difficult situation, one he couldn't get out of. He wouldn't open up about it, he would keep in locked up inside his mind and heart until he found a way out.
It wasn't Tommy's killing that kept Aurora awake but her concern for him. He was a Shelby, it was no surprise when someone turned up dead at their hands yet the way Tommy reacted that made Aurora realise there was so much more to this killing.

Aurora would have to wake him soon for London. She didn't want to, not when it had taken so long to get him to sleep. If she could, Aurora would keep him in her arms forever and shield him from the things that plagued him but she couldn't. The only way to help a man like Tommy was allow him to continue to work, he didn't want mothering, he wanted to run himself exhausted until he finally put the gauntlet down and say enough was enough but what was enough for Tommy?
Aurora had to keep telling herself that he did this for the good the family, for the good of her family too. It didn't help but it kept her emotions somewhat at bay. There was no stopping an ambitious man and the more ambitious he got, the more dangerous it became yet Aurora would never stop him nor would she ever leave the man she loved.

Gently running her fingers through his soft hair, smiling as it tickled her fingers, Aurora began to hum softly. There was something about humming that made her feel at peace and if she hummed enough the day would be the smallest bit brighter for her and those around her.
"Tommy love, wake up, you don't want to be late" Aurora cooed bending her head to bring her face closer to his causing her curls to fall forwards and brush against his face. She laughed as Tommy crinkled his nose and made an attempt to bury his head further into her.
"Tommy Tom come on, London is waiting for your troublesome smirk" Aurora grinned tapping her finger against his nose "don't make me pick ittttttt"
Grabbing her hand Tommy groaned and held it away from him.
"Can't you leave a man in peace woman" He grunted quietly, his eyes still closed and unwilling to open.
"No especially not you so up you get Tom, I'd like to feel me legs again" Shaking her legs slightly under his head, Aurora slipped out from underneath him allowing Tommy's head to drop onto the mattress causing further curses of irritation.

Leaning over him on her hands and knees, Aurora bent down and kissed his cheek.
"If you want you could send Arthur and John to London and stay at home with me and Polly. We're goin' to the tea room, M'sure you'd love it"
Like she did every morning Aurora soon found herself lost in a sea of blue crystals. It was the littlest thing that made the mornings she woke first special to her. All at once she felt a rush of love, safety and protection. Everything she could ever possibly want lived inside those eyes of his, they were both her home and her freedom.
"M'up orright mouse?" Tommy mumbled quickly kissing her lips and slowly sitting up at the thought of being stuck in a tea room. It was enough to make him move, London was much more his taste.
"Mhmmm, what time is it Tommy?"
Sitting back Aurora allowed him to reach other and grab the pocket watch that rested upon the bedside table . Coming to sit behind him, Aurora wrapped her arms around his shoulders and kissed his neck before looking down at the watch.
"Just after seven mouse" Tommy answered as her tired mind tried to make sense of the time. Aurora's body always woke up first and then her brain sometime after. Asking anything of her in the morning would solicit a weak and wrong response.

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