Afternoon Tea

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I don't normally start off with an authors note but I wanted to apologise for the further delay. With the tragic news of Helen's death I felt it was wrong to write so soon after, I felt as if I was being disrespectful so instead of writing I posted about her and how much she will be missed. I am back now and will be updating regularly since the puppies are now in their new homes. I'm still shocked by the news and can't believe we have lost Helen ❤️

Aurora had always enjoyed the littlest things in life like riding her horses, painting, reading and dinner with her family. Afternoon tea with Polly was now her favourite thing to do. For Aurora there was nothing better than driving down to Polly's house and spending quality time with her auntie, time that had been cut ever since Aurora had left Small Heath. It was important to Aurora to keep her relationship with the Shelby's strong and present. She loved them just as much as her own family, the Shelby's were her family and she wanted them to know that things hadn't changed between them and never would.
Feeling the autumn leaves crunching beneath her feet as she walked up the steps to Polly's house Aurora smiled softly. She was happy and content. Never did she imagine to feel content again, she imagined that it was her love of life that helped her to be so. Life may be incredibly difficult at times but it was beautiful and deserved to be appreciated.

Opening Polly's door, Aurora stepped inside and was met by silence, just as it was every time she came. Polly always gave the workers the day off when Aurora was visiting because she liked it to be just the two of them without anymore bothering them and Polly thought herself more than capable of pouring her own tea.
Shrugging her coat from her shoulders, Aurora hung it up near the door and made her way towards the lounge, her heels clicking against the wooden floors as she did so, alerting Polly of her presence.
"Is that you sweetheart?" She heard her Aunt call out, hope in her voice as she did so. Afternoon tea with Aurora had also became one of Polly's favourite pastimes, she adored the girl greatly and was fiercely protective over her especially since Epsom.
"Yes it's me Pol, how are you?" Aurora replied stepping through the lounge curtains with a large grin "Oh 'Ello Lizzie, I didn't expect to see you until later"
"Polly invited me, we've got somethin' we want to discuss with you" Lizzie answered with a mischievous smirk, raising Aurora's suspicions as she took her place at the table and reached for the tea pot.
"Are you two plotting something?" Aurora squinted before laughing, pouring herself some tea with a satisfied breath of relief.
"All will be revealed soon" Polly winked, her face matching Lizzie's causing Aurora's suspicions to rise further.
"You goin' to tell her 'bout Grace?" Lizzie snorted with a laugh and stirring the spoon in her cup Polly scoffed and shook her head looking extremely dissatisfied yet her eyes showed pride.
Taking a drink Aurora looked over at Polly in interest knowing how difficult it had been for Polly to even attempt to go to Tommy's new house and see Grace again.
"How did it go Pol? Has she changed?"
"That woman may hide behind her false smiles and good will but she is just as poisonous as before. She tried to throw me out the house, said I wasn't allowed near her or the baby. She was soon put in place by your Aunt Pol darling before Tommy told me to leave. Should of never have went to that fucking house" Polly spat, her blood boiling as she pictured Grace's smug face.
"Visit didn't go well I see, at least you tried Pol. I think Tommy might be still harbouring some anger over it, I saw him today at Charlie's Yard and he refused to even look at me, all I got was grunts" Aurora replied remembering the way Tommy had spotted her and quickly darted from view like a child.
"That because he think we've been gossiping behind his back"
Putting down her cup, Aurora twisted her head to the side and frowned with a look of disbelief.
"You what?"
"I didn't go to the house to visit Grace and put the past behind me, I went to discuss you, and Tommy took offence to my words and now believes we're partnering up to hurt him. All I asked was for him to let you move on" Polly answered, unamused by Tommy's behaviour. She may have wanted him and Aurora back together but he couldn't have Grace while keeping Aurora in his clutches, holding down her wings to stop her from fleeing.
"As brilliant and as smart of a man he is Tommy can become quite childish when it comes to hearing things he doesn't want to or bein' confronted by those he loves. He'll cut out another mans eyes but when it comes to family he likes to 'ave a temper tantrum befitting of a toddler" Aurora pointed out shaking her head. He didn't have to avoid her over what he believed to be gossip or kick Polly out his home for looking after her best interest.

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