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There was a plus, a faint one but a plus nonetheless.
They had quickly pulled Freddie from Aurora's arms and on to a stretcher. Aurora knew she was meant to feel glad Freddie wasn't dead yet she wasn't, in fact she felt more terrified than before. Freddie was sick, he was going to die, any fool could see that. It would of been better if he had slipped away in her arms. A painless death was the best option and now he would go to hospital where they would prod at his weak body and cause him more grief than comfort.

The family began to pour out the club along with curious guests. Aurora stayed in her place on the curb and watched them all closely with unshed tears in her eyes and a mournful frown on her brow. She could see Ada running towards Freddie, crying out as she tried so desperately to clutch on to him. Polly was not far behind, she was calling out to the distressed wife, begging her to let the men do their job and get Freddie to the hospital. Arthur and John looked lost and little Finn was terrified, the boy wasn't like his brothers, he never witnessed death. He had been only a baby when his mother passed, too young to remember anything from that time in his life.

Aurora felt her heart drop as she pictured the sweet little baby at home, deep in blissful sleep unaware that he may never see his Dad again. His life along with Ada's was about to change and nothing on earth could prepare them, nothing whether they knew it was coming or not.
Burying her head in her knees, Aurora stared down at the ground and let out a large puff of air. Her lungs exhaled in agony sending pain throughout her chest. Aurora didn't realise she had been holding her breath for so long.

How long she had been sat buried into herself Aurora didn't know, it might have been seconds, it might of been minutes. Aurora could feel her mind spinning and suddenly aware she wasn't alone anymore she tried to focus on the person now gently tugging on her arms. Aurora was desperate to escape her inner thoughts, she didn't want to think of Freddie's death, she didn't want to accept it was happening.

Raising her head which had became heavy on her shoulders Aurora saw it was Tommy. She thought he would of went in the ambulance with Ada yet here he was lifting her from the cold ground and cupping her face. He was talking to her but Aurora couldn't hear anything except the blood rushing through her ears causing the front of her hair to pound.
Drawing her attention to his lips Aurora concentrated on his words. Soon the outside world came seeping back in allowing Aurora to finally hear once again.
Looking up into his crystal eyes, Aurora reached out and softly ran her finger tips down his face.
"Are you orright love?" She whispered noting the flash of panic that kept flaring up inside him.
"I need to go" Tommy responded turning to glance at the ambulance as it drove out of sight.
"Go, I'll deal with everything here, there's something I need to do first, then I'll come....I love you Tommy" Aurora smiled sadly gripping onto his shoulders before placing her lips against his cheek. She held him for a few moments, reluctant to let him go but sensing his urgency she finally stepped back and gave him a nod.

"Come on Tom! We'll take mine and John's car!" Arthur bellowed pointing frantically in the direction the ambulance had took.
In the next second every member of the Shelby family had rushed to their cars with Tommy taking ownership of Arthur's before they all disappeared into the night, following the ambulance, unsure if Freddie would make the journey to the hospital.

Aurora stayed, stood on the curb until everyone had poured out the club and headed home, leaving nothing behind but silence. She had managed to crack a smile watching George and Mrs Finley stumble their way up the street, it was nice to see them getting on so well.
Crossing her arms across her chest now aware of the cold that rattled her bones, Aurora slowly walked backwards into the club doors and stepped back into the warmth.

The only people left behind were her family, Peter, Lizzie and the workers. Her brothers and Dad were sat drinking round a table, Jane was no where to be seen and her Mam....well it looked like the woman had sucked on a sour sweet. Lizzie and Peter were stood by the bar, quietly drinking to themselves. Hearing her Mam make a huffing sound, Aurora let out a sigh and walked over the the bar.

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