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I hope you guys are still here for the ride! I got locked out of Wattpad for a bit and couldn't get past the loading screen. This chapter has been done for six days 😭

A month flew by quickly and it was fair to say that Aurora had enjoyed every moment of it. She loved the work she loved being busy and it took her no time at all to get back into the swing of things and pull the business out of it's struggles so when her Dad came to her with the offer to let her leave once again Aurora found herself refusing it. She wanted to stay, she wanted to continue on and help the family, it didn't mean she was giving up on her dream of being a teacher, that was very much still a dream for her but working in between studying seemed right for her and perfectly managed.
Everything was moving alone smoothly for Aurora, that was until her Dad got sick.

It was the flu, luckily one he would recover from yet it was still bad all the same. It had started on the Tuesday when her Dad had came into work, choking on his own coughs, his face flushed and red. He'd given Aurora a week reassuring smile but over the coming days his health continue to dwindle as his fever shot up into the heavens until Aurora had become too worried and sent him home before calling the doctor. Now that her Dad was at home and resting it had dawned on Aurora that she was the one in charge. She didn't mind being in charge, she would be busier than ever but that was fine. What she was worried about was failing.

Aurora had been left in charge before and each time she had messed up. She wasn't meant for leadership, Aurora took orders and took them well, she wasn't one to give them. She needed her Dad by her side, ordering her around from the background but while he was resting she was completely on her own and at the mercy of his work. Of course Aurora wouldn't give up easily, she welcomed the challenged, she just hoped her Dad could forgive her for the mayhem she would surely cause. It was now Saturday night and her Dad had asked her to come round in the morning to discuss her tasks for the following Monday but Aurora was bored and thought getting a head start would impress him so she had used her day off to sneak into the office and begin her work. Working at night was better for Aurora, there were no distraction. No one could tempt her with food or chitchat when she was all alone and there was something about seeing the sun rise through the window of her office that Aurora loved, it made her feel refreshed and like she had succeeded in beating the night.

The first thing Aurora needed to do was retrieve her Dad's diary and see what the next week had planned for her. Walking through his office, her bare feet slapping against the floor as she went, Aurora flopped down in her Dad's throne and tucking her legs underneath her arse she plucked the diary from the desk and began to flip through it with a hum until she reached the right date.
"I'm Henry, the eighth, I am,
Henry, the eighth, I am, I am,
I got married to the widow next door,
She's been married seven times before,
And every one was an Henry,
She wouldn't have a Willy or a Sam,
I'm her eighth old man, named Henry,
Henry, the eighth, I am"
Aurora sang merrily, her finger scrolling down the page, scanning each day with a satisfied smile. She wouldn't be too busy, the diary was almost bare. As her finger began to run down the next page Aurora's song came to an end and the smile on her face faltered. She now looked down at the diary with a stare of horror and surprised, this couldn't be happening but the ink that decorated the small box told her the writing on the page was anything but her imagination.

"Fucking 'ell!"

Thursday - 10am, meeting with Thomas
Digbeth office

Why was she surprised?
She shouldn't be so surprised!
Tommy was after all the boss now and her Dad was bound to have meetings with him but Aurora on the other hand wasn't expecting to see Tommy again and even if she were too she didn't expect it so soon. Her Dad was too poorly to attend and she couldn't cancel the meeting as any meeting with the boss was important. Aurora would have to do it.
Closing the diary with a sigh, Aurora threw it back down on the desk and sat back in her chair, her thumb nail finding its way between her teeth. Aurora knew this meant she would have to go all the way back to Birmingham, back to the office she had picked out herself and back to Tommy. They would have to sit in a room and do business while pretending nothing had transpired between them. Perhaps just business was better then Aurora wouldn't have to look him in the eye and discuss the questions lingering in the air, the questions of love, actions, anger and sadness.
It would be alright, Aurora could be professional, Tommy was professional, there would be no issues.
"It's just business shithead" Aurora grumbled to herself before taking the diary once again and standing up to leave the office. She needed to find her shoes, she was going to see her Dad now. Aurora couldn't wait until tomorrow, she needed to know what the meeting was about, she needed to be prepared for Thursday.

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