Past Love

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Champagne flowed elegantly as all walks of life pleasantly discussed Aurora's paintings. Aurora watched on in fascination, her eyes wide and her heart hammering in shock. Her hand gripped Tommy's tightly and slowly starting to move her frozen feet Aurora lead Tommy around the room, taking in each painting as she went.
"Tommy, these are all mine" Aurora whispered, a sense of pride running through her at the compliments that echoed throughout the room. They all truly admired and liked her worst paintings, the ones Aurora refused to look at and had hidden away until Tommy spotted them. Tears welled up in her eyes, Tommy had done this for her. He'd took the paintings and brought them here, just for her, this was his surprise.
"I had to name them in order to have them put up" Tommy remarked, smiling at the amazed look on Aurora's face.
Turning to face him Aurora took his chin with her hands and placed a soft kiss on his lips.
"Thank you Tommy, this is all incredible"
Kissing him again Aurora smiled her brightest smile and made her way over to the painting in front of them until her stomach was pressed against the rope that shielded the work from touch.
"Lost Within A Storm, very fitting Tommy" Aurora pointed out staring at the piece Tommy had took a liking too in her loft. In the light of the gallery, the painting seemed more lively, more vivid, pulling emotion from Aurora like it had never done before when she painted it "Painter, AEH"
"Didn't want to give out your name without your permission mouse, I thought your initials would be orright. I could have it announced that it's you" Tommy explained staring at Aurora's work alongside her. He was almost tempted to buy it for himself yet he had already took a load and had no more space to put them anywhere unless he began to fill up the houses on Watery Lane.
"No I like that it's anonymous, gives the paintings some mystery" Aurora smirked throwing Tommy a wink. She would rather observe people from a distance and engage their true reaction to her work without them knowing she had been the one to create to the paintings.

As Aurora and Tommy walked around the room Aurora was surprised to see something else taking place. People were bidding on the paintings, some already had reservation plaques put beside them.
"Tommy, did put the paintings up for sale?" Aurora questioned, choking on her own saliva as she overhead a particularly loud bid.
"Yes, all in your name of course mouse. I hoped you might like to put the money towards the new school being built in Small Heath, I know fundin' has been short" Tommy replied hoping she was happy with his decision. Aurora wasn't one to pump someone for money but Tommy was, only this time it was for a just cause.
Wrapping her arms around his mid section Aurora brought Tommy close and looked up at him with such admiration Tommy thought he would drown within her pools of liquid gold.
"Have I ever told you how much I love you Mr Shelby?" Aurora sang with a small laugh. His support in her becoming a teacher meant more to Aurora than Tommy would ever know. It deepened her love for the great man standing before her, there was nothing Tommy could do that would shake the love she had for him.
"Everyday love" Rubbing her shoulders Tommy leant down and places his lips against her head as Aurora gently patted his chest with a sigh.
"Sometimes I think it's not me who will make the world better but you Tom, you just don't see it yet" Aurora confessed causing Tommy to scoff with a roll of his eyes "Don't give me that look it's true, you may do bad things Tommy but your heart is solid gold. Everythin' you do is for the good of everyone around you, including yourself"
"Some people would call it selfish to do things for you own self mouse" Tommy remarked with a humoured smile, his heart lovingly accepting her words and filling him with warmth. She was a sweet one his mouse.
"I would call it cleverness Tommy, it's not selfish to want to do better by yourself" Aurora shook her head before planting a kiss on Tommy's chin "Now sir, shall we engage with our company?" Aurora mocked, attempting to portray an accent you would only find within those of high class.
"We shall little lady mouse" Tommy replied, his high class voice one of perfection even as he laughed at Aurora's failed attempt.
"Bloody 'ell Tom! Do you 'ave to be good at everything?" Aurora exclaimed, her eyes swimming in amusement.
"It's called natural talent mouse" Tommy grinned his shit eating grin that matched John's making him appear as if were a cheeky child testing his luck.
"Orright Tommy, calm before your heads gets any bigger, can't 'ave you gettin' stuck in the doorway" Aurora scoffed giving his chest a soft backhanded slap before reaching down and lacing her hand within his.

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