Derby Day

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Wednesday May 31st 1922
Aurora felt surprisingly calm when she woke that morning. Her mind was light and she found herself smiling as the warm sun softly caressed her face and shoulders. It was beautiful outside despite it being the day Aurora had dreaded for months. Finally Epsom was upon them but the panic she once felt had ceased to exist, Aurora had come to terms with the events of today and all she hoped for was Tommy's safety and Campbell's demise.
Turning her head she watched Tommy across the room. She had felt him wake hours before yet Aurora refused to rise when he did no matter how many kisses he placed on her cheeks. He hadn't slept, instead he'd laid completely still next to her, his eyes fixated on the ceiling, his mind deep in thought as he carefully ran his fingers through her hair. In the end he'd gotten up just after three and sat by the desk in the room with his cigarettes in one hand and a drink in the other.

Tommy was currently standing over the wash bowl gently moving a razor against his skin with expert precision. Today Tommy would assassinate another man but it was Epsom after all and Tommy had expressed the importance of the family look their best. Aurora wouldn't be going, she always knew she wouldn't be. After many months of fighting with the idea she still couldn't bring herself to attend. Her nerves would surely be on edge wondering around Epsom worried about the family but also worried about Golden Nightingale, she loved that little horse Tommy had chose to race and didn't want to see any harm come to her. Aurora wondered what Tommy's nerves were like, his face never gave anything away. Even now as he shaved, his eyes and face remained stoic and calm. If Aurora didn't spend all her nights with him she'd imagine he was fine but Aurora knew the truth, Tommy was worried. Of course he wasn't worried for himself, he never was, he was worried about everything else, his family, the business and the thought of what comes after Epsom whether he be successful or not. There was a lot of strain on top of Tommy shoulders and there was nothing Aurora could do to help him other than try to soothe him as best as she could.

"Why is everythin' so calm?" Aurora spoke up, her voice thick with sleep. With a small yawn she slowly lifted herself into a seating position on the bed and wrapped the blanket around her chest.
"Everyone is just wakin' up mouse, the events ahead are in the back of our minds for a moment" Tommy replied giving her a smile through the mirror filling Aurora with more warmth than the sun could hope to possibly give her.
"Not yours Tommy, I can see it in your eyes. What time is it?" Aurora tried to keep her eyes void of pity, Tommy had made it clear many times that he didn't need her to pity him, he just needed her to be there at the end of the day with open arms and a smile on her face.
"Almost six mouse, Ada's brewing some tea if you want to join her for breakfast"
Placing the razor back down, Tommy began to pat and wipe away the shaving cream from his face before discarding of his hand cloth and walking over to Aurora. Resting his hands either side of her thighs, he leaned in and kissed her, allowing his lips to linger for a moment longer as Aurora took the time to run her fingers along his freshly shaved skin.
"M'planning to stay in this room all day and be a frantic worried mess, I'll be no good for Ada" Aurora smiled in humour yet her words held some truth. She would indeed spend her day in a pit of worry until she saw Tommy's face again. They had spent the night at Ada's as it was easier for Tommy to conduct business on all sides if he were to already be in London. For Aurora being here brought Epsom too close for comfort, she would of preferred to stay back in Small Heath with Polly yet she couldn't bring herself to leave Tommy's side for the last few days. She wanted to be with him each step of the way and cherish her time just in case this would be the day she lost him forever. Aurora believed all would be well and he would come back but there was the tinniest part of her which held some doubt.

"I want you out this room before I leave mouse, I don't want you in 'ere fuckin' worrying all day. Why don't you paint with Karl? You like doing that or take him and Ada for ice cream. M'sure Ada will have some books layin' about somewhere for you too. There's plenty to do outside this room mouse" Tommy stated wrapping his arm around Aurora's waist and pulling her close until her chest was pressed into his side.
"Ok Tommy I promise I'll try and 'ave some fun today" Aurora grinned picking her tongue at him as she ran her hand up and down his back. Placing her head on his shoulder she took a deep breath and closed her eyes before giggling at the feeling of his fingers digging into her sides. Tommy just wanted to hear her laugh, he wanted to carry it around with him throughout the day and keep her smile in his mind as he carried out his task for the crown.
"Mouse there's something I need you to do for me" Tommy mumbled sounding reluctant to speak up, he didn't want to destroy the smallest bit of peace Aurora was feeling while she took comfort in his touch.
"Anythin' Tom" Aurora chirped lifting her head to look at him, her face flushed and bright.
"If amythin' happens to me today mouse, I need you to post this. It details everythin' I'm about to do today including the names of those involved" Tommy explained reaching into the pocket of his newly expensive suit pocket, the suit he'd made just for today and presented Aurora with a small envelope containing the letter he had written this morning after failing in his attempt to sleep.
Taking the envelope from him, Aurora reached over and placed it on the small table resting at the side of the bed.
"If something 'appens today Tommy I'll post your letter" Aurora replied, internally hoping that she wouldn't have to and Tommy could eventually just burn the thing when he came home.
"Now mouse I have some business to attend to with a certain Mr Solomon's and then I'll be headin' to the races when John and Arthur eventually fuckin' arrive" Tommy grumbled in displeasure yet his eyes remained warm as he brushed the back of his hand against her cheek.
Aurora couldn't help but smile knowing Arthur was finally free. It had taken some time and it wasn't until last night that Aurora had gotten word of his release on this very morning, just in time for Epsom. Michael had been released earlier but only after Campbell had forced himself upon Polly. Only her, Ada and Polly knew what truly happened that day at the jail and Polly had sworn Aurora to secrecy. Aurora wanted Campbell dead and she was certain today would be the day whether it be by Tommy's hand or someone else's.

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