📷 My Muse || Chapter Five

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"Norman! I challenge you to a game of tag!" Don cried, pointing at the white haired boy. 

Gilda grabbed his arm, pulling it down. "Don! Pointing is rude! You're never going to get adopted acting like that!" The tall boy sighed embarrassedly, clenching his fists. "Fine, fine. But I'm still challenging Norman!" Although Don was a year younger than Emma and I, he was still considerably taller than the both of us. Norman smiled sheepishly. "I accept, Don. How much time do you want?" The tanned boy pompously grinned, arrogantly scratching his chin. "One. Minute." 

The crowd of kids around us gasped and cheered. "Only one minute?" Thoma asked, his poufy black hair shaking with his head. His best friend, Lannion, nodded. "I don't think he'll make it." He whispered, quite loudly, to Thoma. Don choked. "I heard that! You two!" They giggled, running into the forest. Norman turned to Ray, already holding a stopwatch in his hand. 

"Three... Two... One." Ray's large hands clicked the button, sending all of the kids into the forest, jumping and cheering. I watched Emma's golden head stray from the crowd, easily leaping onto a tree. She was gone in a flash, only the ruffling of leaves indicating where she might be. The stopwatch dinged softly, Ray nodding at Norman. The silver haired boy was gone in a flash, following the path the kids had went before. 

"Why aren't you playing with them?" Ray asked. He hadn't turned to look at me. My heart beat faster regardless, just being alone with him. "I wanted... to stay here with you?" I replied, taking a seat next to his still body. "Why?" His serious tone made my heart sink. "If you think we're going to be all chummy because of last night, forget about it. I only woke you up because you were being loud and annoying." 

W-What? I didn't understand what Ray was saying. Why was he being so... mean? 

"You're really annoying, y/n. Your stupid nightmares, waking everyone up constantly. We might as well lock you up in another room, so no one else would be bothered by you." Tears started to well up in my eyes. I felt my heart break into pieces. My fingers clenched the hem of my shirt tightly, holding in my cries. "Aren't you sixteen? I'm disappointed that you think such a trivial encounter would mean we're anything to each other. How are you going to grow up with such a feeble mind?" I brought myself to stand up, that unbearable pain still in my chest. "I-It wasn't just one night, Ray." I trembled, heading towards the house. "Wasn't it fifteen years? We spent here, together?" I glared at him, his poker face staring back. I guess he truly didn't care. "Forgive me, for thinking we were at least friends." I slammed the front door behind me, running up to the library. 

"That stupid idiot!" I cried, alone. 

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