⭐ My Muse || Chapter 138

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"Ray, where are you taking me?" I tugged his shirt, still nestled warmly in his arms. He grinned, glancing at me with one eye. "Home." He brought me to the train station, setting me down on my feet. Huh? What's he talking about? I looked around, slightly perplexed. "y/n," He whispered, opening his hand. I blushed, taking it hesitantly. He led me into the building, a large crowd of kids complaining and crying. An orange haired girl with a cute antenna was sobbing. "Can we come back tomorrow? She has to be here! It's the last uncharted area on the map!" Ray chuckled, calling out to them, and squeezing my hand. "Are you ready?" He whispered. I took a deep breath, nodding. "Hi, guys!" I said, waving to the people I assumed to be my family. One boy stumbled forwards, his ocean blue eyes leaking a river of tears. "y- y/n?" He muttered, reaching out his hand. His fingers were cold, grazing my cheeks softly. He looked like he'd seen a ghost. I turned to Ray, slightly nervous. The orange haired girl shoved him aside and ambushed me, leaping onto my chest. "y/n! I missed you! I missed you so much!" I was at a loss for words. All these people crowded onto me, suffocating me in a giant squeeze. Ray frowned, pulling me away from them, holding me close to his chest. "Guys, calm down. She doesn't remember." 

"W- What? What're you talking about, Ray? Of course y/n remembers us! We're her family! We've been together since birth!" The tall tan boy with messy black hair turned to me, shaking my shoulders. "You remember me, right y/n? I'm Don! Don! Your little brother! Your best friend!" Another very tall boy with a scar running horizontally across his face patted my head gently. His onyx black eyes melted when our gazes met. "Hey, y/n. My name is Zack." My heart ached when I saw him. I wanted to remember. I wanted to remember him so badly. It feels like... "We'd been through a lot together." We whispered, in unison. His eyes filled with tears as well, roughly wiping them away with his sleeve. "Do you- Do you remember? Do you remember me?" "I- I..." I grabbed my head, a sudden wave of pain falling over me. "It hurts- I want to remember, I'm so close, but it hurts-" Was something stopping me from regaining my memories? They felt so close, I could almost reach out and grab them. But every time my fingers scraped the surface, they just pulled away farther, like it was being dangled in front of me for fun. The headache finally subsided as I pulled away my imaginary grasp. It wasn't going to let me remember. "They're- They're being locked away." A girl with green hair and round glasses stepped forwards, gently touching my shoulder. "Hi, y/n. My name is Gilda and I've missed you so much. And if it's okay, I think I know a way to help you remember." The others turned to her in shock. All their faces seemed to say "really?!" Gilda nodded, opening her hand. "Can I see your necklace, y/n?" 

They said that I was nineteen when I left them. And that I had sacrificed those nineteen years of precious memories to save a whole world of human beings. I guess I was a pretty cool person. And today, hopefully, she could come back. 

Nineteen years. Nineteen people. It was their turn to give something back to the person who had lost the most. The orange haired girl, who was named Emma, hugged me tightly before joining the crowd of hands over the locket. The black haired boy, Ray, kissed my forehead. "Even if this doesn't work, I'll still love you with everything I have, y/n." My face went warm as my gaze followed him to the necklace. 

"It doesn't need to be an important memory. Think about your first year alive, anything useless that we can give the necklace. We need to shove y/n's soul out, and our pieces in." The pile of hands started to touch the pendant, the gemstone glowing red with each graze. It was burning up. "You're my hero, y/n!" A boy in an aviator's hat called out. "You're my best friend!" A blond girl in a pink beanie laughed. "You're my purpose." An older man with jet black hair and white streaks chuckled. "You're going to be my fucking wife!" Ray shouted, a flash of white light exploding from the center of their crowd. 

What the fuck? Did they explode? I rubbed my eyes, trying to process what had just happened. 

"So they did it."

I opened my eyes, the scenery around me unlike anything I'd ever seen before. The ground underneath my feet was like a mirror, shaking with every step I took. The circular ripples emanating from my feet changed my mind. I was walking on water. A creature with horns and a singular eye was floating in front of me. 

"What'd they do?" I called out, stumbling towards it. 

It levitated higher into the air, spinning around me. "They changed destiny. Fate. Future." 


"It's silly, really. They just loved you so god damn much, they shattered fate to find you." 

"Will I get them back?"


"My memories."

"Yeah. Right after you wake up. You're just stuck in the waiting room right now."

"How long will this take?"

"Just a few more minutes." 

God and I talked for a little bit after that. He asked me how my life was going, what I'd been doing, and everything I had done. He also said that living in my memories made him sad. "Eating too much ice cream will make you sick. And then you won't like ice cream anymore." "I don't think I'll ever get sick of ice cream." I laughed, poking the lake-like ground. God chuckled, sitting beside me. "That's what I said about your memories. It was the drama of the century. But watching it over, and over, and over again," He folded his hands over each other, sighing. "I eventually felt sick. I felt pity. I felt sad. That I had ended your story." "Well thanks for giving it back." I smiled, touching his tiny hands. He immediately shook his head no, floating off again. "Don't give me credit for that. Give it to your family. I couldn't have changed The Promise even if I wanted to. We signed a contract, y/n." As he spoke those words, the water underneath me started to crumble. "It was fun talking to you." He said, starting to crumble. I nodded my head yes, the void underneath me swallowing my body whole.

I woke up nestled in Ray's arms. He was holding me tightly, my head right next to his chest.

"Hey, stupid." I smiled, touching his cheek. A tear fell from his face, landing onto mine. "Did- Did it work?" He trembled, pulling me up. I glanced at the crowd of anxious children. "Hey, Norman. Hello, Zack. Hi, Yuugo." Ray choked on his tears,  squeezing my waist tightly and sobbing into my back. "I- I missed you- so much!" He stuttered out, releasing me from his grip. Everyone was crying, even me. I remembered. I remembered everything. I remembered why my ear was missing, I remembered why I had this scar on my chest. I remembered my fights, and most importantly, my family. I hugged this stupid black haired idiot with everything I had. My heart was swelling with feelings. Everything in me felt warm, fulfilled, the home I'd lost was finally returned. "I love you." I whispered, touching his cheek. He nodded his head, pressing his lips onto mine. "Welcome back, my muse." 

We all start out lives lost. Some, more astray than others. The children in Neverland were born in the middle of nowhere. No maps. No help. Completely blind, completely hopeless. Until we found each other. We learned to dream. We learned to fight. And most importantly, we learned to love.

"Hey, y/n. Would you marry me?"

"What? We're literally twenty one, stupid!"

"Yeah, I know."

"And the offer still stands?"

"Of course. It'll stand forever, y/n."

"Okay, then spend that forever with me. My answer is yes." 





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