🔒 My Muse || Chapter Seventy Five

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"You look really cute," Nigel said, pulling down his hat. Did I? I wished Ray was here to see. Over the months my hair had become uneven, my bangs slightly grown out. Sandy said that he always wanted to become a hair stylist, and asked if it was okay if he could experiment on Emma and I. There's no harm in it, so we agreed. 

Sandy trimmed the split ends of my unruly hair. "You're really pretty, y/n." He said, separating my bangs from the rest of my locks. "If it's okay to ask, why did you cut off your ear?" It wasn't really a painful memory. I did it for Ray. To be able to save him. But I couldn't tell him that. "At Grace Field, they put trackers in our left ears, I had to cut it off when we escaped." "Then how come Emma didn't?" Nigel asked, interested in my story. "Sixteen of us escaped and we only had fourteen devices that could null the trackers." "But wouldn't it make sense for their leader to have both ears? For hunting, foraging, charting maps and shit." Sandy snipped away at my hair, pulling two strands on the sides towards my chin. He grumbled to himself. "It's not a big deal. I don't really mind. I'm doing fine, aren't I? We'd sacrifice our ears any day for our family. Any limb, even our souls." "Who's we?" The blond boy winked at me. I scoffed, smiling. "Ray. He's the one who made the devices. He's really smart." "Oh, maybe Sonya and him would get along," Sandy said, a comb in his mouth. Maybe they would... I grimaced at the thought. 

"Hey, y/n." Zack knocked on the door, walking in. "Oh, you let Sandy do your hair?" 

"Mhm." I replied, turning around. Zack's jaw dropped. "Do I look  that bad? Nigel! You lied!" I hissed, face tingling with embarrassment. 

Zack's voice was low. "Sandy..." He grabbed his hands, squeezing them tightly. "How can I thank you for making my angel y/n even more beautiful? I thought it was impossible." The green haired boy chuckled loudly. My face grew warmer every second of Zack's intense stare. Ray used to look at me like that... Ugh, that stupid idiot won't leave my head. Where is he? Is he okay? I'm here, having fun, getting haircuts and playing poker. But Ray could be hurt, scared, dead. I hope Yuugo can take care of him. I hope he can take care of Yuugo. 

"Zack, watching you smile every day is payment enough. You used to be so cold, like a statue. But ever since y/n came here, you smiled every day. That makes me so happy."

I mean a lot to Zack... I know I do. But I want to see Ray. I want him to karate chop my forehead and kiss my cheek. I miss his smell, his stupid long bangs and sarcastic comments. I just want to know that he's okay. 

Days passed, Emma and I quickly learning how to use rifles and snipers fairly quickly. We were already quick on our feet, catching Gillian in every game of tag. My wounds and leg healed very well. All the working out truly helped.

And eventually, the day came. July 26th. 

Violet, Nigel and Sandy had already disappeared, situating themselves deep in the forest. I remember him kissing his gun before leaving. "Just a little bit more, Oppie. Just a little bit more." Sonya and Pepe were inside the control room, watching the many cameras very closely. All eleven of us were wearing headpieces so we could communicate with them. "Check, one two." Sonya said. I clicked a small button on the contraption around my ear. "y/n, one." I said. "Emma. Two." "Zack, three." "Oliver, four." "Paula. Five." "Gillian, six!"The snipers went Nigel, then Violet, and Sandy being the last. 

The sun started to rise as an eerie music box chime filled the town's streets. 

A flock of birds emerged from the forest, disturbed by a large entity. Thumping footsteps rumbled closer and closer to the village. A black hat peeked out from behind a tree. My heart stopped. "70293! 63194" It exclaimed, throwing it's hands up. A familiar monkey was perched on it's shoulder, screeching. "Don't you remember me? Leuvis?" My legs started to tremble, but I stayed up. Emma glanced at me worriedly. I took a deep breath, clutching my rifle. Aim for the eyes. Keep your arms steady. Back straight. Don't overthink. I imagined Sonju pointing at the crevice in it's mask. 

I pulled my rifle to my shoulder. 

A sudden gush of wind blew my hair away, giving me a clear shot. "Yeah, I remember you, asshole." I clicked the trigger. "Don't forget me."

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