📷 My Muse || Chapter Fourteen

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I grabbed little bunny, Emma running by my side to the front door. Many kids were still stationary there, talking about how much they'd miss Connie and whatnot. "Norman!" I cried, holding the plushie up. His face froze. "L-Let's go." He stuttered. Emma pulled on the giant handles of the door ahead, but Mama had locked them when she left. "Shit, we have no time!" I cursed, frustrated.

"Try the back door." An ominous low voice called from the second floor. Ray's shadowed face looked psychotic, his mind in some other place.

Norman muttered an awkward "thank you" and we ran to the back door, which was as Ray said, unlocked.

My lungs, which haven't been in use for a while, swelled with the heavy intake of the cold night air. My legs were sore, but the gate was only feet away and Connie needed her bunny.

"Mama said never to go to gate." Emma cried in between strides.

"Mama said a lot of things." Norman replied, his voice trembling. "Especially a lot of lies."

Cold beads of sweat ran down my neck as we faltered to a stop in front of the large stone gate. The usually closed grate was lifted open, a strange metal contraption dormant inside. "Is this a car?" Emma asked quizzically. She slowly drew near, tapping the metal doors and examining the tires. "I've never seen one before..." She whispered to herself.

As quiet as she was, any noise in the gateway seemed to echo, causing a loud disruption. Norman noticed and signaled to Emma to be quiet. The gateway resembled more of a sinister cave, with some monster lurking deep inside than a doorway to a new world. Droplets of water leaked from the mossy ceiling, each plop ringing in the ominous tunnel.

I inched closer to the tarp covering the backside of the vehicle.

"Perhaps Connie is taking a nap? "

My left arm holding little bunny froze in shock, the plushie falling to the floor. The feeling in my legs gave out as I stumbled backwards, falling next to a puddle.

"y/n?" Norman whispered.

My heart was pounding out of my chest.

This isn't real. That isn't Connie.

My fingers trembled, I shoved my hands over my mouth to keep me from screaming. This isn't real. This can't be real. Tears welled up in my eyes, every part of my shaking.

Norman and Emma ran to my side, staring at the tarp. They both creeped closer. Emma grabbed he right side of the cloth while Norman grabbed the left. They harshly pulled it aside.

A small blond-haired girl was lying dead inside of the old, wet trunk, her head was twisted in an unnatural angle. Her lively dark green eyes were dull and glazed over, the little girl's eye sockets widened abnormally. A single red flower, the color of blood, grew from Connie's chest, the stem appeared as though it was piercing her.

A voice echoed from a door deeper inside the gateway.

It was gruff, irregular, inhuman. It spoke without emotion and tone, words spilling out of it like nonsense. I grabbed little bunny and dived underneath the truck, Emma and Norman following suite.

"wHoOOoOoO... iSssSSSss... tHErE?...? tHeRe...? aNyOnE... ThErEreErE...?"

"aBsoLuTEly, nO oNE! nO oNE! hAve yOU gOne kEk-KeK-KrAzY?"

Another of the inhuman voice emerged from the silence.

From deeper in the cave, two black lumps left what I assumed to be a door. They made their way to the truck, speaking in some other language. The creatures spoke in clicks and chirps, something sounding truly alien. Emma's mouth trembled, as if she wanted to scream for help, for Mama, for anyone. Norman cupped her lips closed with his hand, glaring at her sternly.

"b-B-Be-bElLa? IsABelLa?" The lesser one called.

"Mama? " Norman and Emma glanced at me. We were thinking the same thing.

"Yes." Her polite and graceful voice called out. Her clean black shoes stepped right in front of us.

"tHiS OooOnE iS oNly SiX! siX yeArS OoOOoOlD!!"

"I am sorry, master." She replied monotonously.

The lesser being screeched, the vehicle rattling above us. A loud thunk occurred from right above our heads. The smarter one beckoned, "iN HeRe, BaGuS, iN hErE..." From the corner of our eyes we saw a strange glass tube filled with some acidic blue liquid. "oKay, OKaY, oOoOOoKaY..." The lesser one shrieked again. The blue liquid splashed to the ground, Connie's body dropped inside carelessly.

"IsAbElLa? wHen wIlL wE rEcEivE qUalItY ProDuCTs? tHE pReMiuM mEaT GrAcE fIeLD iS kNowN foR?" The creature's slobber fell to the concrete ground.

"Disgusting." I thought to myself.

The soft clicking of a pen and flipping of paper ensued.

"We have one 17 year old. He is not to be sold yet." Isabella said, coldly. My heart churned. Was that all we were to her? Food? Cattle? Products? "But we have three also very special children. One will be turning 17 in March. His number is 22194. Another in July, 70293*. And the last in August, 63194." That's us. I clenched my empty fists.

"vErY wEll." The greater one replied.

"WAiT!!! waAaAAaiTtT!!!" The lesser one screamed loudly, my eardrums being pierced. Emma grunted in pain. I wonder if the children back at the house heard it as well. "tHeRE iS sOmEoNE hErEeE..." My heart stopped. The monster checked the trunk again, rattling the metal above our heads. "naRgHhHhHH..." It groaned. It shook the car, expecting us to fall out.

What would happen if we did?

"jAjAJaJAjAgo...!!!" The lesser one kept screaming. "FiNd tHem, fInD thEm, fInd TheM!!!..."

The creature's screeches echoed in the tunnel, but we had slipped away while it was throwing a tantrum. Thank god my legs decided to work.

Norman, Emma and I faltered to a stop behind a hill, where the creatures couldn't see us if they had looked outside.

"That- That wasn't Connie... Right?" She fell to her knees, her eyes looking for solace and comfort at Norman and I. "Right, Norman? y/n? That wasn't Connie."

Norman's eyebrows furrowed as he kneeled down, pulling Emma into a hug.

He was right. There was something wrong at Grace Field. And we finally found out.

"Did you get there in time?" Ray asked, leaning by a window.

"N-No." Norman replied, trying to keep his voice steady. "We were too late."

*y/n's birthday is in July for the sake of the story.


I might try to trim this chapter down. It's definitely a longer one.

We're about halfway into the story now, Woohoo!!

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As always, thank you for reading!!



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