🔒 My Muse || Chapter Seventy Nine

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It was almost magical, if a group of bloody, beat up kids weren't staring at us. Or if my legs suddenly gave out, pushing both of us onto the floor. Ray's gray eyes still stared at me in confusion and disbelief. I was laying on top of him, my ankles refusing to work. My hands were on his chest, propping myself up so I sat on his stomach. "Hey," I winced. He stuttered. "Y-You look..." "Like a mess?" I finished his sentence, pulling him up. He shook his head. "Beautiful." 

My face was warm, not sure if it was from the washing pain in my body or from his comment. "Just- Just get me some bandages. I-I don't have time." He nodded, gracefully pulling me into his arms and gently placing me on a table. Holy shit, Ray got buff. He left the room, Emma immediately turning to me. She giggled, winking and flashing a thumbs up. "You two have history?" Violet smirked, pulling on her gloves. Those of us who could fight were getting ready for the showdown with Leuvis. Sandy and Paula laughed too, giving me an amused look. "You could... Say that?" I smiled. Zack burst into the room, running to me. He was all scratched up, but okay. His clothes were still torn and his wounds not dressed. He was treating everyone else before himself. His face was all twisted up, in tears, confusion and anger. "W-Where the hell were y-you-!?" He cried, kneeling in front of me. He grunted, looking at the state of my body. "What the fuck were you doing? Fighting Bayon on your own?" "It's... good to see you too?" I sighed, watching his distorted expression open a bottle of antiseptics. "Just- Just shut up-" He hissed, pouring it onto my leg. The burning of the alcohol sent a painfully cold chill up my body. "Ngh-" I bit my cheek, holding in a scream. How much time did I have left? Where was Leuvis? How can I protect these people? Ray, Oliver and Yuugo walked into the room. The white streaked boy's eyes lit up when he saw me. "y/n!" He shouted, running to my side. Yuugo was alright. Ray was alright. Tears started to well into my eyes, as I started to sniffle. "y-y/n- I'm sorry-" Zack apologized, wrapping my leg up a little more gently. I wasn't crying because of that. "I'm just so, so glad everyone is okay..." I wiped my eyes with my sleeve. Zack stood up, pulling me into a hug. He was so warm. Ray looked at us sadly, turning to Oliver. His collared shirt was left unbuttoned, his chest and left shoulder wrapped tight in white gauze. "Zack..." I whispered, pulling myself away. His dark brown eyes were fearful and wet, looking at me like I was already dead. He grit his teeth, pushing me back onto the table. "No, I'm not letting you go back out there." "Zack!" I hissed, trying to escape his firm grasp. I turned to Emma, who gave me that same expression. "y/n, have you even looked at yourself?" No. I haven't. But I'm fine. I'll be fine. As long as my family is alive, everything is fine. "I'm not going to let you guys fight that thing!" I shouted, turning to everyone in the room. The orange haired girl frowned. "y/n, I'm alive because you sacrificed yourself to kill Bayon. Just- Just look at yourself!" "You're all bruised up, y/n." Nigel whispered. I didn't notice him before. His hat was pulled over his eyes, a shadow cast over his face. "Your leg is broken. Your arms are bruised, so is your back. Your stomach, your chest. There's cuts all over you." He started to sniffle. "Y-You could have d-died!"

"But I'm not!" I protested. I was still snug inside Zack's grasp. "y/n, at least have a drink if you insist on going." He said, handing me a bottle. I sniffed it. Medicine. I glared at him, upset that he would try to trick me like that. "I'm not taking your fucking sleeping syrup, I'm going back out there and fighting Leuvis! I have to!" He frowned. "Fine." He took a large sip from the bottle, grabbing my face. He pushed me back, so I was laying down. He mumbled a 'sorry' with his mouth full, pressing his lips onto mine. His fingers squeezed my mouth open, the sweet medicine going down my throat, along with his tongue. "Mhm-!" I mumbled, trying to push him off. The medicine started to take effect instantly. My head became light and my vision blurry. I can't- I can't sleep now... I have to fight. He looked at me with a sad expression. "Zack..." I whispered, pulling his shirt. He smelled like sweat, blood, tears and sadness. "You promised... To keep everyone here safe... Don't be a hero, please don't fight Leuvis. That's- That's my job... You promised me, Zack!" He sighed, pulling me up. He pressed his forehead onto mine, wiping away my tears with his thumb. His touch was gentle and caring, comforting me to sleep. "I'm sorry, y/n. I'm sorry for betraying your trust." I punched his chest weakly. He caught every one of my weak jabs. "Y-You fucking traitor!" I cried, pulling him into a hug. 

This felt familiar. 

Losing someone I loved. 

Norman gave me that same sad expression, some sort of acceptance that death was going to befall him. Zack frowned, pulling himself away from my hands. He tilted my crying face upwards, kissing me. "You never give up, y/n. That's what I love most about you." He turned to Nigel, Paula, Yuugo, and Violet, picking up their guns and heading for the stairs. I fell sideways, losing consciousness again. Zack's back was turned, not giving me a second glance. He probably would have stayed if he did. 

My eyes started to close, the scenery around me changing. 

I was sprawled on the floor, watching a white haired boy pick himself up from underneath me. 

He smiled sadly, whispering something into my ear. "y/n, my favorite thing about you is how you never give up. So for me, please. Never give up." 

I reached out my hand, trying to grab onto him. 

"Norman... Please don't go..." My eyes closed, feeling someone's fingers intertwine with mine. I'm begging you, God, or anything close to it. Bring Norman and Zack home... Please... Bring them home... Give them back... 

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