⚔️ My Muse || Chapter Seventy Seven pt. 4

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"Holy shit, what was that?" Emma shouted, in response to a deafening explosion.

"Probably Zack and Oliver," I replied, running into the forest. Hundreds of thoughts swirled in my head. Was Zack okay? How were Paula and the others? Are the battle preparations in the city going well? I shook the thoughts out of my head, trying to focus on only one thing. Killing Bayon. We ran towards the location Nigel said he was seen. I caught a glimpse of a brown pilot's hat sticking out from the trees. "Nigel!" I shouted, knocking on the tree. The boy glared at us, a finger over his mouth. I followed his wandering gaze to the white demon stalking the forest. "I can smell you, human. How many friends did you call? Two? Three?" It turned to us, immediately noticing our congregation. "No matter. I'll just kill you all." It's flat ivory mask shuffled, the jaw of the monster opening and letting out an ear piercing shriek. "Shit-!" I cursed, the feedback of the earpiece making my brain shake in excruciating painful pulses. "Shoot it!" Emma shouted, trying to get her rifle in her hands. Suddenly, the demon launched towards me, extending it's sharp claws. "Ugh-" Nigel grunted, shooting his sniper rifle right into the demon's neck. It's long black hair fell gracefully onto it's back, the flesh only absorbing the bullet. It's attack, aimed for me, suddenly swerved, slashing the tree Nigel was sitting in. He fell to the ground, landing on his feet.

The monster laughed, spinning it's long glaive-like spear. "You humans are only cattle. Stop resisting." It spun the weapon, a storm of wind nearly blowing us away. My legs already ached from the run, and now we had to fight this demon. But I'd do whatever it takes for my family. I threw my automatic onto my shoulder, firing at the thing's head. Shooting any other part of it's body was useless, as Nigel just demonstrated. It's mask barely cracked, Bayon chuckling loudly. It swung the glaive towards us in one large swipe, Nigel and I leaping backwards in time. "Em-Emma?" I shouted, my attention still directed on the demon. "I'm fine!" She replied, but her voice was low, almost trembling in fear. I didn't want to look. I wanted to kill this thing and be over with it. The fight continued for many long minutes, a repetition of our dodges, met with the lackluster product of our bullets. "Fucking hell!" I cursed, running out of ammo. "I need to reload!" I turned to Nigel, who nodded and then to Emma. Her left sleeve was drenched in blood, the hand on her gun, pale and limp. She smiled weakly, continuing to fight the monster. Tears welled up in my eyes, looking at the state of my friends. Nigel was exhausted, cuts and dirt littering his clothes. Emma was badly injured, her arm looking like it had already died.

Bayon was only entertaining us now, laughing as he swung the spear wildly.

It disgusted me.

"Nigel, Emma. Listen carefully." I said, putting my gun down. Their eyes were wide, looking at me in shock. "You two have to go back. You guys have to kill Leuvis." "B-But y/n!" They stuttered, refusing to accept my words. I did all of this so these people wouldn't get hurt. But look at them now. Tired, injured, on the verge of death.

"I can handle Bayon by myself. As long as you kill Leuvis and escape Goldy Pond everything will be alright." Nigel's look of concern quickly became determination and trust. I dug into my pocket, tossing him the silver pen. "Get out." Though frowning, he nodded, grabbing Emma's good hand. She was too weak to contest him, as he dragged her away. "No!" She screamed, her eyes filled with tears. Nigel shouted something, but she completely ignored it. Her eyebrows here furrowed, emerald green eyes sparkling with tears. Sweat and blood were mixed together running down her cheek as she held that broken arm out for me.

I'm sorry, Emma. But I was lying. I don't think I can kill this thing.

I turned around to the demon who was patiently waiting for that exchange to finish. "I'll get them after you're sleeping in my stomach." It laughed, pointing the blade of the glaive towards my neck. My heart started to beat faster, some strange adrenaline rush filling my body. "You have to catch me first." The mask shuffled again, the thing's massive jaw peaking out. "Here we go again," I sighed, covering my ear. Amongst the excruciating headache, I heard a voice. Gillian? "I can't do this for much longer," she said, static starting to seep into her voice. Bayon's screams were going to make my head explode. "Hold on, Gillian." I stuttered, trying to collect my thoughts. "Try to make it to town! Make it to town!" I grit my teeth, ripping the thing out of my ear. I shoved it into my pocket, taking aim at the thing. Not with this stupid rifle though. A small green ball hung from my waist, my hand easily clipping it off. I pulled the pin, throwing it at the monster. Worst case scenario, I'd die. But I'm damn sure I'm taking this thing with me.

Bayon tilted his head in confusion, catching the grenade in his hands. "What's this toy, hu-" The explosion silenced the demon, both of us blown backwards. My body was light and airy, the sky above me finally becoming a soft shade of light blue. When I looked down, the forest greenery reminded me of something from a picture book. This is gonna hurt. Gravity started to take it's toll as I started to fall. My stomach crashed into a branch, then into another. My back landed on a dull rock, making me shout. My chest, my stomach, my legs and arms were all on fire. My body was a mess of cuts, scrapes, dirt, and bruises, but I brought myself to my feet once more.

A maskless Bayon was laying unconscious at the foot of a tree. I grinned, spitting on it's face. My voice was low and quivering. "That's what you get... For hurting my family." I sloppily pulled my rifle out, shooting every single one of it's disgusting oozing eyes.

My eyes wandered towards the direction of the town, where multiple gunshots and explosions were echoing. I need to help them. I need... To help them...

My left calf was torn open, dirt and blood staining my leg a disgusting crimson color. My wrists and knuckles were callused and bruised, my gun in a similar state. I think... I think I broke my leg... I wobbled forwards, finally catching a glimpse of the village.

"They need me. They need me." I muttered to myself, slow steps becoming a jog. My leg hurt like fucking hell, so did my back and stomach. Maybe this time, Ray could treat me? That was a nice thought. If I could make it there alive. I fell to the ground, vision becoming hazier and hazier. I grunted, crawling towards the town.

"Would you like to borrow some power ?"

Wh-Who are you? Who's speaking to me?

"Think of me as your guardian angel. Well, actually, more like an investor."

What do you mean?

"Your life is very important to me, y/n. We don't have any time to chat. You're dying as we speak. Do you want to borrow my power or not ?"

I-I... I do... I have to...

"Then, enjoy. It won't last forever, so try to get this done now. Before they die in vain."

The center of my collarbones started to burn with strength, like some magic force just invaded my body. The burning of broken limbs and ribs subsided, a cool soothing aura washing over me. This won't last forever. I pulled myself up, breaking into a run. No one will die today. Not if I can stop it.

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