⭐ My Muse || Chapter 110

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I was having fun. Key word was. A familiar hand touched my shoulder, diverting my attention from Gillian and Nigel's scuffed duel to his request. "y/n. I want a rematch." I rolled my eyes. I wasn't going to lose this time. "Okay, Ray." 

To my surprise, his hand was shoved away from me by the person on my right. Norman glared at him with those icy blue eyes that meant business. "No, y/n. You won't be fighting Ray." He stood up, pulling off his shirt. "He has to get through me first." Emma jumped behind me, poking my back. "Drama!" She giggled softly into my ear. I grabbed Norman's arm, glaring at him to stop. He just smiled, patting my head gently. "Remember what happened last time?" He mouthed, stepping onto the ring. I buried my face into my hands in embarrassment. Holy shit. This wasn't happening, right? A felt a painful pinch on my arm, Gillian's wide grin stretching from ear to ear. Great. This was real. This was definitely real life. 

"Gloves?" Norman asked, glancing at his pair on the bench. Ray chuckled, throwing his shirt out of the ring. "Nah, I'll keep the bruises. y/n likes boys with scars, after all." Ray's gaze fell onto me, making me blush. If I'm not violently ripped apart by a demon within the next three hours, I'd be killed by embarrassment. But of course, Norman went along, smirking and throwing up his arms. "Oh really? That's good to know." "Worse than Barbara and Cislo..." I muttered to myself. Zack took a seat next to me, enjoying the show. "We both know I'd win the scar fight." He laughed, taking a sip of water. "Hey, loser, I have a missing limb." Ray called from the ring, hearing his small comment. Zack choked on his water, laughing. I sighed, slapping his back and helping him recover. "Why are y'all built like this?" I wheezed, Zack leaving to look for a tissue.

Well, I wasn't complaining about how they were built. All the members of my harem were pretty hot. If I had a penny for every time I was blinded by the sun reflecting off of Ray's chiseled chest, I'd be a millionaire. The same for Norman and Zack. "y/n. You're drooling." Emma hissed, poking my cheek. I snapped back into reality, wiping my mouth with my sleeve. The duel between Ray and Norman had progressed heavily. They were throwing punches faster than lightning, dodging blows and kicks. They were locked in a stalemate for at least ten minutes. Eventually, both of their movements started to slow, exhaustion starting to settle in. The first punch that would be landed would make the game. And it went to Ray. His hair brushed past his forehead, the force of the jab sending a straight uppercut into Norman's gut. 

"N- Norman?" My voice trembled, disbelief that he wouldn't dodge or block the hit. It was because he didn't. A streak of blood trailed down his nose, red droplets falling over the white canvas floor. His lifeless body limply fell to the ground, Zack and I rushing to his side. "We- We need to bring him to the infirmary!" Ray grit his teeth, hoisting the boy into his arms. "Let's go!" My heart was racing, his hand was stiff in mine, not squeezing back, or any low chuckles or reassurances. What the hell was happening? Zack laid him down on a cot, Anna watching on in horror. "Is- Is he okay..?" I shook my head no, the two searching for a pulse. He sighed in relief, letting his hand fall to the bed. "He's alive... Just tired. Let him rest and I'll give him a checkup later." Zack and Anna disappeared into another room, discussing Norman's condition. "I'm- I'm sorry." Ray said, leaning against the farthest wall in the room. I was annoyed, worried, and upset. I didn't have the patience for this right now. "Sorry for what?" "Everything? Hurting you, hurting him. Accusing you of sleeping with them." I rolled my eyes, stepping towards him. "I don't want anything to do with you, Ray. I'm do-" 

I'm never opening my mouth around this guy again. It always ends up in a kiss. He pulled away, caressing my cheek and looking into my eyes. His eyebrows were furrowed downwards, a look of genuine concern and pain washing over his face. "I love you, y/n." My face started to burn, an unflattering shade of tomato red becoming my usual color. How could he say that with a straight face? I'm going to die of embarrassment. I'm literally going to just perish. "y/n... Do you love me?" My lips quivered. I expected another interruption when I parted my lips. "Ray, I-"  

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