⭐ My Muse || Chapter 133

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"It's over, Ratri. We won."

The rattling of gunfire and the thudding of bodies being thrown had stopped at the door. A small blond haired boy knocked it over, Norman and the rest of his group joining us. Vincent stepped forwards, his left arm wrapped tight in bandages. Before I could ask him if he was okay, he smiled, reading my expression. "I'm the only casualty. And I'm not going to die." He turned to Peter Ratri, who was grinning maniacally in the center of the room. "We disabled the system and knocked out all of the guards. No one can save you now." "Kekeke, no one? Really, I think you're forgetting something." The soft marching of a new set of people entered the room. Mothers. At least fifty of them. They all held black rifles, aiming them towards us. "Shit!" I hissed, under my breath. He was right. I hadn't accounted for the mothers to take part in the fight. But why wouldn't they? Isabella was obviously trained, and security would have been the tightest it's ever been. The crowd of aproned women parted, one in a plain black dress stepping forward. Her violet eyes peered into the scope of a sniper, the bullet aimed for the center of my head. "Mom." Norman whispered, lowering his gun. 

Isabella smirked, her grip on the rifle not faltering one bit. "Was it fun outside, y/n?" I cocked my own shotgun, our glares stuck in an intense battle of fire and ice. "You've ruined everything. You fought, and fought, you fought, and fought. But wasn't that all futile? Since you ended up back here anyways. You all returned, without learning your lesson. And this is the result of your effort." The red laser so intently aimed to end my life shifted to someone else's head. Peter Ratri's head. "You all did amazing. Perfect scores for every single one of you." "You- You betrayed me! Isabella!" I winced, his voice screeching like a nail against a blackboard. I'd only heard that type of useless wail from a wild demons. I guess that description fit him though. He scrambled to his feet, knocking over one of the sisters. "His binds!" Zack shouted, noticing the torn rope left behind him. I clicked my tongue, chasing him through the empty halls. "Peter!" I shouted, following the tails of his white coat. "Uncle! Wait!" What I wanted to give him was something he would probably never accept. Forgiveness. To come into the other world with all us cattle children. Zack, Yuugo, and Emma followed behind me, skidding to a stop as I did. Peter Ratri folded his hands behind his back, his expression completely blank. What was he planning? My chest heaved as I caught my breath, carefully watching his actions. The glint of something sharp and shiny just barely peeked out from his sleeve. A weapon, perhaps. A blade. "Did you love him, uncle?" "Who?" He hissed, glaring at me. My voice went soft, the image of him filling my head. "My father." His ice blue eyes just slightly melted, a deep feeling of guilt starting to wash over the halls. He did. He did love him. "As much as a brother could." "So why? Why did you kill him?" "To protect the family. To protect our name. It's all because of your stupid mom, y'know. That I lost my older brother." My grip on the rifle tightened, the man in front of me no longer looking like some desperate creature. Instead, he became one of regrets, guilt, and shame. "After he was killed, my retainers told me his last words. Y'know what they were?" I shook my head no. He clenched his fists, holding that small blade tightly. "'I'm sorry, Peter. That now, you have to bear the curse of the Ratris.' Even in his last moment, he was afraid for someone else. He was worried for his murderer. Isn't that so selflessly stupid?" He raised his right arm upward, the point of the knife aimed to his own throat. "It's funny, really. Though you look nothing like him... I can see the resemblance. Maybe it's that fire in your eyes." He smiled, thrusting the blade into his throat. "Uncle!" I shouted, kneeling by his fallen floor. Everything passed by in a blur. I couldn't bring myself to mourn, nor could I bring myself to resent him. He died, surrounded by the things he hated most. Cattle children. Zack gently pulled me up, leading me outside. "I'm sorry, y/n." He whispered, trying to feel some remorse for my uncle's death. I nodded my head, unsure what to say. The words left my mouth without a second thought. "I wish I could have loved him." Yuugo slapped my back, jumping in front of me. "Ooor... You could spend that love on yours truly." He winked, dramatically throwing his arms over my shoulder. I giggled, laughing at his bad flirt jokes. Where would I be without these people? The people who always help me up after I've been torn down. My dear family. 

We stepped outside, the reunion of the Grace Field family well underway. Norman and Ray were tossing little Phil around, the boy laughing gleefully. "Hi," I said, walking up to the two. The black haired boy smiled, gently setting the little one down. "y- y/n- Is- Is that really you?" I nodded, tears streaming down my cheeks. He ran into my arms, sobbing loudly. "Y- Yeah, Phil, I- I'm home!" 

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