🔒 My Muse || Chapter Seventy Three

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"Okay, let's get some shit settled." Nigel delegated a meeting for the members of the Goldy Pond resistance squad. The name was his idea. I could tell by the way Sonya rubbed her head whenever he said it. 

"y/n, Emma, there's some things we should explain about... The Goldy Pond Resistance squad," He giggled, looking at Paula's disappointed face. "We have three fighters. Three people who are capable of shooting a gun or using a blade to kill. Zach, Oliver and Paula." I could easily see why those three were the warriors. Oliver was tall and slender, Zach was strong and serious. Paula's hair was constantly in a ponytail, a ninja-like mask always covering her face. They did look the toughest. "Along with being a fighter, Zach is our medic. He'll treat anyone's wounds, easily. Pepe is our magical medicine man, also slightly handy with a pistol." He turned to Gillian, a sparkle in her eyes. "Gillian here... Runs fast..?" His voice turned up towards the end, like a question. She sighed, slumping back into her chair. "Gillian runs fast, Gillian runs fast, nyeh nyeh." She mumbled to herself. Nigel grimaced, continuing. "Gillian... Puts her life on the line for us, she runs so fucking fast the demons don't catch up, she uses herself as a distraction. She's been our savior many times." Her face lit up again, smiling to herself. Her cheeks turned pink, like her beanie. How cute... "Violet, Sandy and I are snipers. We're not very agile so we can't fight on the front line, but we have good eyes." 

"And y/n, this is your first time meeting Adam, right?" In the back of the room was a very large boy, irregularly shaped. His neck was wider than his head, with short legs and gigantic arms. He wore a loose white tank top, some strange emblem tattooed on the left of his chest. "Adam appeared in Goldy Pond two months ago, around the end of February. We don't know where he came from, since he's not part of a shipment. But he's taken a liking to Violet." Adam grumbled something, still underneath the shadow of an unlit part of the room. "22194. 22194." Emma glanced at me frowning. 

Norman's numbers. 

How did Adam know them? 

Violet explained that he was the result of human experiments at a secret "farm" named Lambda. And that the one Adam escaped from was only one of many others. "The way humans experiment on vegetables and fruits to maximize harvest is what the demons are trying to do to us." She looked at the boy sadly. "Make them larger, stronger. More meat on their bones. But it hurts them." Adam was incapable of understanding English because of his genetic modifications. Things had to be explained very very simply, or else he just wouldn't understand. "Violet, do you know why he's saying that?" I asked, glancing at the blond haired boy. He was stuffing multiple loaves of bread into his mouth. "Those numbers?" She replied, giving him another one. Emma and I nodded. "No one knows. I don't even know how to ask, or even explain. He probably doesn't either. But those numbers... Probably mean something important. It's the only thing he ever says." 

"I'll sing you a lullaby, as you close your eyes tonight, and while you're drifting off to sleep, I will hope for your tomorrow to be... bright."

"That's a cute song," Zach commented, walking into the room. I was laying down on his bed, since we'd been staying together. "You know you can still get your own room, right?" He chuckled, messing up my hair. Truth be told, I was too afraid to sleep by myself. It feel like the nightmares could come back any day. 

"That demon, the one who..." I touched my chest, which had healed up. Three diagonal scars ran from right under my collarbone, through the center of my breasts and down my stomach. It was something I'd never get rid of. "Hurt me... His name was Leuvis. He said he'd be waiting for me." These scars looked like Lucas'. "Is he the one who killed Yuugo and Lucas' family?" Zach sat next to me, pulling me into a hug. "Yeah, he's hurt many children. But I won't let him hurt you anymore. I promise." 

Someone I know said the same thing. Someone I know had promised me something. 

Hey, Ray, my chest still hurts. For some reason Pepe's medicine and Zach's hands can't heal it. So, please, I'm still waiting. You still have a chance. To fix this promise.  

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