⭐ My Muse || Chapter Ninety

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"She- She's crying..." 

"I don't care! Find Violet, Adam, and Sandy! They were on patrol! We can't let them go back!" 

I shook myself awake, gazing at the forest around us. The shelter. The attack. "Paula!" I hissed, barreling towards the floor. She clenched her teeth, pulling me up. "Are you going to cooperate or not?" I glared at her cold expression, nodding bitterly. This wasn't the time for me act like a child. I kneeled, pinching the quivering children's cheeks. "Jemi, Chris, Alicia, let's go!" They put on their brave faces, keeping up with the rest of the older children. 

"Violet!" Sonya called, noticing her lavender hair between a couple of bushes. The trio rushed towards us, grabbing my hands. "Where- Where's the others? Oliver? Pepe? Lucas?" I felt tears well up in my eyes. I bit my cheek, mumbling my words. "They're... They're coming..." She knew exactly what I meant. We'd left them behind to deal with the attack. 

The necklace started to burn against my chest again, I yelped as I yanked it off. Ruby red. What did this mean? This stupid necklace. I shoved it into my pocket, the heat dying down. 

Paula glanced at me, asking me what to do. What do we do? I was scared, upset, and angry at the same time. I wasn't the person to be asking order from. But that was the responsibility I held for my family, wasn't it? I took a deep breath, noticing the tired sighs and snores from the little ones. "We're far enough away from the shelter now. We should take a rest and wait for the others to come back." She nodded, throwing her backpack onto the floor. The other kids followed suite, bundling up into little piles. 

I watched them sleep, holding a gun firmly in my hands. Somehow, I must've dosed off too, a hand shaking me awake. "y/n, It's my turn." Don said, clicking his barrel. I nodded, slipping off to the side. Emma was staring into the night sky, the glimmer of the stars reflecting off of her tears. "They'll- They'll come back," I whispered, touching her elbow. She furiously wiped her cheeks, giving me a sad smile. "I- I know... I know they'll come back." 

I reached out for her hand, disrupted by a large explosion. It came from the direction of the shelter. I felt something in my chest break, as I stumbled weakly to a clearing. The place where our home was had been replaced with a fury of flames and shrapnel, still bodies lying on the ground, others screaming, trying to put out the fire latching onto their uniforms. But amongst the suffering of the soldiers... I didn't see a single friend. I didn't see Pepe's long braided hair. I didn't see Yuugo's white streaks. Neither of Lucas' golden eyes were shining. Oliver's white hair wasn't there. Just a bunch of scared, cowering people. Zack wasn't shooting or yelling. And Ray... Ray wasn't either. My hair fell loosely onto my face, some wool thing on my forehead. I touched my face, wiping away a tear.

Oh. Zack's headband. I forgot he had given it to me. 

It's getting so wet... Where is this water coming from? Sweat? No- No, it wasn't sweat. It was my tears, running down like waterfalls. I fell to my knees, crying out loud. My body was burning. I couldn't feel my lungs. I was screaming so loudly, my chest about to burst. Paula didn't stop me that time. She touched my shoulder, pulling me into her chest. "I- I'm sorry. I'm so, so, sorry, y/n." Emma was silently sobbing in Gilda's arms. 

"They- They can't be gone, right?" Gillian was quivering, Nigel squeezing her hands tightly. "Za-Zack, he's- he's going to jump out, in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and-!" The soldiers started to die, another explosion blowing a new set out. 

"They're dead. They're all dead." Don clenched his teeth, hands balling into fists. "They're all fucking dead-!" 

We all sat there and cried, staring at the fire that had burned away everything we loved. 

Goodbye home, goodbye family. 

Goodbye, Ray. 

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