⭐️ My Muse || Chapter Ninety One

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"y/n, you have to eat. You'll get sick." I shoved Gilda's hand away, pulling my shirt over my mouth. She frowned, flicking my forehead. She adjusted her glasses opening her mouth to say something. I had an idea. 'I miss them too' or 'they'd want you to live' but she realized it would be in bad taste. I gripped the pendant in my pocket tightly, cursing it under my breath.

Ray. I missed Ray. I wanted to hold his hand, pat his head, brush his bangs. I wanted his sarcastic remarks, his apologies, his hugs and kisses.

But I would never get them again. I never even said goodbye.

God... God damn it... I buried my face into my arms, suffocating my cries. Emma was in a similar state. Empty. Sad. Her emerald eyes were drained of life, refusing to eat, smile, sob, or laugh.

I forced myself up, frowning at what was left of my family. "Let's start moving, everyone. We can't stay here for too long." The older ones nodded, helping the little kids pick up their stuff. Yvette shuffled to my side, grabbing my hand. "y/n, where's Ray?" I bit my lip, giving the tiny girl the best smile I could muster. "He- He's coming, Yvette. He's just beating up some bad guys for us." I pinched her nose, making her giggle. "Are you gonna get married?" She laughed, squeezing my fingers. "Ma- Married?" I stuttered, eyes growing wet. I furiously blinked back the tears, still forcing the weak grin.

I didn't know what to say. What could I say? How long do I have to lie to everyone? I'm not okay. I'm not okay at all. It hurts. My chest hurts, my heart hurts. I just wanted a hug, a kiss, anything to make me feel less... empty.

"Yvette, I-" an ear piercing scream broke through the dense forest, Violet and Paula cocking their shotguns. I pulled myself up, grabbing my own weapon. The three of us silently walked towards the shout, peeking through the brush. A wild demon was hanging over two teenage boys, teeth bared ready to feast. I clicked my tongue, taking aim. What the hell are these idiots doing out here in the middle of nowhere? I shot the thing's eye, the monster screeching, black blood oozing from the wound. It fell downwards, landing at the two boy's feet.

I revealed myself, stepping into the clearing. "Who are you?" I asked, lifting my smaller pistol. They cowered, falling to their knees. "Th- Thank you for saving us!" They shouted, moving up and down like they were praying. The boy on the left had spiky blond hair, tied up with a black bandana. The boy on the left wore a mask over the bottom half of his face, his long black haired tied into a ponytail. They were quite friendly, easily starting conversations with the others. "We were sent here on a mission, actually." The blond one, Hayato, said. Nigel glanced at me, an untrusting look shadowed over his face. "Who?" He hissed, loading his sniper. "William Minerva." The other, Jin, replied. "Our great god and savior."

I opened my mouth to protest, Gilda immediately cupping her hand over my face. "Let's hear them out," She whispered, glaring at me. "Let's see who this impostor is."

"How long is the journey?" I asked, pulling her hand away. The two gazed into the sky, as if recalling the journey. "From here... Two days, I think." "Hayato, two? Are you sure?" "I think so... We ate grilled fish on the first night, right?" "No, you idiot! That was the second!" They argued amongst each other, Sonya rolling her eyes sarcastically. They came to consensus of three days, as we set off with the two as our guide. Who is this 'William Minerva'?

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