📷 My Muse || Chapter Twenty Five

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"You two... Look like you'd be very happy together..." He said sadly, closing the door behind him.

Norman pulled himself away from me, chasing after the black haired boy. "Don't worry," he called, smiling gently. "He'll be alright."


This is happening in third person! Emma and y/n are still in her room talking, while Norman follows Ray, demanding more answers.


"Ray, I have a few more things to ask you." Norman called, following him into their bedroom. "You're the one who hid little bunny, right? So we would find it... And find the truth." His blue eyes softened, things clicking into place. "You wanted us to escape, right? Everything you've done is for our sake... Her sake..."

Ray glanced at the boy, who had hit the nail on the head. He stayed silent, not knowing an appropriate thing to say. "I wanted to save her?" Or maybe, "Everything I do is for her?" But those words were shallow and ridiculous. She hated him.

"You wouldn't have done things to make us realize the truth if you were 100% Mom's dog." Norman sat on a drawer, looking down at the nervous boy. "You were controlling us. The timing of the escape, the tracking devices, how fast the plan progressed. But at the same time, weren't you also keeping Mom under control?" He looked at the boy earnestly. "You were never our enemy at all, weren't you, Ray?"

He scoffed, shaking his head. He looked Norman straight in the eyes. "I volunteered to be her dog. No, actually, it's more accurate to say that I sold myself to her." His eyes turned cold, along with his voice. "It was all in preparation for this escape."

Norman's eyes widened, looking at Ray's psychotic state. How long had he been planning to leave this place?

"The best way to learn about an enemy is to gather the things inside their own pockets. That's why I brought this deal to Mom."

"That's dangerous." Norman objected.

"But I had the chance to succeed." Ray was never the type to take chances. His love for his family was the only exception. "Mom wouldn't want to harvest a top scorer prematurely anyways. Especially one that she spent time and effort on. That woman cares more about profit than rules. So I only asked for two things." Ray raised his pointer and middle fingers, counting down his requests. "One. I would cooperate, so don't ship me out. Second. I would ask for rewards if I did the job well."

"Rewards?" Norman asked.

Ray nodded his head. "Random junk. If it wasn't available in the house, I would make her obtain it elsewhere." Norman trembled. Ray was on a whole new level. "I was testing what I could get versus what I couldn't. I wanted to see what in this world was dangerous or difficult to obtain. As a result, I have a large collection of random junk of things that weren't dangerous to get. Any electronics I received were older models."

"So when you said you were going to break the tracking devices," "I have seen them." Ray finished, sternly. "And after years of experimenting, I have found a way to break them. They can definitely be nullified." Norman stared at him in disbelief. The person in front of him was the strongest card that could be played. But what was the cost? Ray's eyes were dull, glazed over like he was already dead.

"Norman..." he said, rubbing his temples. "I have been preparing for this the day I learned the truth of this house. "That day you went across the rail and looked at the wall, I distracted Mama and everyone so you could do that thing. I did everything so you three wouldn't be killed." Ray's voice grew cold, his finger lifted towards the silver haired boy.

"You're right. I'm not your enemy. But I'm not your ally either. I will become your ace under one condition. I'll tell you all the information I have and give Mom lies if you wish."

"What is it?"

A sad smiled crept across Ray's face, his humanity returning. "You know everything I do is for her. I locked her up because I wanted her to be safe. I didn't want her to know or worry about anyone or anything. But in the end, she chose to see Connie and got caught up in this mess."

Ray clenched his fists, digging his nails into his palms. "I know it sounds cruel. Lie to her. Lie to y/n and Emma. When you escape, ditch the children. Even if you decided to bring them along, only bring Don and Gilda."

"You're telling me to give up on escaping with everyone?"


"B-But the training, it's helping everyone grow. Even you, you said their movement isn't bad! You weren't lying, right?"

Ray's glare pierced Norman's heart. "No matter how well, how fast the children can move, they will be a burden."

"Y-You said you were going to help us."

Ray stood up from the bed, ending the conversation. "This is how I'm helping. If you and Emma would rather die here, so be it. Do not waste the tools I'm giving you just to escape and die outside."

Norman gulped, his head hung over in defeat. "Fine. So be it."

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