🌙 She Fell From The Sky || EXTRA 🌙

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"Don't you think our lives are kinda... Empty?"

Oliver was being strangely sympathetic, a sad look reflecting from his eyes. We had just finished a hunt, losing only two people. On any other day, he would've been happy, but he was particularly close with Monica and Jake. I guess I must've made a weird face, because he sighed really deeply. "You're thinking that I'm weird, right? That I should be happy?" I didn't know what to say. "How about Theo? Who's going to take care of him?" I tried my best to comfort him, touching his shoulder. "You know the answer to that. We will."

He scoffed lightly. "I wish I was as tough as you, Zack."

Tough. I don't think... Anyone wants to be like me. Cold. Quiet. "Tough."

I'm not tough at all. I'm scared, constantly. I try not to care, I never speak because conversations lead to bonds. And I bonded with someone, what would happen if I lost them?

I'll leave the caring to Oliver, Gillian and everyone else. I need to be strong. I need to keep pretending.

"Any girls you like, Mr. Tough Guy?" He joked, nudging my shoulder. "You can tell me, no one's here." This week was Oliver and I's for night patrol. You never know if a demon decides to have their own personal hunt. "Gillian? She's been hitting on you." He commented, shifting his rifle onto his back. "Gillian hits on everyone." I chuckled, remembering the silly girl with the neon pink clothes. "Not your type?" Oliver laughed, pushing me playfully. I nodded a 'no'. "What is your type, Zack? Five years together and I haven't seen you with a girl once."

My type?  I guess It's alright to fantasize. It's not like the perfect girl would fall from the sky and right into my arms.

"What's five things you want in a girl?"

I pulled out a hand from my pocket. "Five?" I muttered, counting down fingers. "Brave. I think I'd like a girl who wasn't afraid to fight." Oliver laughed, "Of course you want a tough girl." "Second, probably... Smart?" "Premium quality meat?" He nudged my shoulder. "Mhm, and funny, maybe have some scars. We can match." "Geez, go marry a viking, weirdo." The last trait. "Someone who works their hardest... For the things they care about... Someone who would give up everything, for anything."

He was silent, staring at me weirdly. "Za-"

"Emma!" "y/n!"

Two loud screams echoed from the sky. We jerked our heads upwards, watching two bodies fall through the sky. "Holy shit!" Oliver cursed, running towards them. "Get the one on the left!" He shouted, running towards the other. My footsteps crunched on the ground, observing the person. A girl? Her hair whipped every which way. I skidded underneath her landing spot, catching her in my arms. She's fucking soaked... In blood? "Oliver!" I yelled, carrying her as gently as I could. "She's injured. She's going to bleed out." The orange haired girl in his arms was in a similar state, her breathing shallow and weak. "y-y/n..." She whispered, before passing out. "We have to run." Oliver said, breaking into a speedwalk. The small body in my arms stirred, resting her head on my chest. She muttered something I couldn't hear.

Her chest was slashed open, three claw marks running across her body. She looked like she wanted to cry. "You'll be okay." I whispered. Her eyelids fluttered open, looking at me curiously. My heart skipped a beat. "Cute headband..." She fell asleep, snoring softly.

That look... Suddenly I was out of breath too. This girl must be very brave, to go through a situation that left her like this. Is she an escapee? I caught the glimpse of a number on the left side of her neck. Was she one of the famous Grace Field escapees? But they were supposed to be dead... Maybe a premium? Those marks... They would leave scars. She must have fought so hard for her family.

"You're looking at her weird." Oliver said, sitting beside me. After I treated their wounds, he took it upon himself to take the golden headed one. "She's my responsibility, the one you caught is yours." I'd rather have given her to Gillian, who desperately wanted new friends.

"You made me keep her." I hissed, elbowing his stomach. He coughed, covering his mouth. "They're the escapees. From Grace Field. Number 63194. Emma. This one is 70293. y/n." I sighed, looking at her face. Her name is y/n. She's pretty. But she always looked sad, like she wasn't dreaming about something very pleasant.

"What do I tell her when she wakes up?"

The white haired boy beside me laughed, shrugging. "She fell from the sky."

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