📷 My Muse || Chapter Three

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"Ugh, I think I only got half of them right!" Don cried, slumping back into his chair. 

"Me too..." Gilda replied. 

Little Conny hugged her bunny plush. She called it Little Bunny, but compared to its small owner, Large Bunny might have been a bit more fitting. 

I glanced at Ray, two seats from my right. His nose was already deep into another book. 

"What a weirdo..." I thought to myself. 


I felt a karate chop on my forehead. "How do you think you did?" It came from Norman, who had taken the seat in front of me. His opalescent blue eyes sparkled with curiosity. I knew that Norman had gotten a perfect score. He always does. His chair was leaned over a bit precariously, leaning on the front of my desk. "Norman, be careful." I whispered. He nodded mischievously, those darn turquoise eyes glistening. He continued to rock his chair back and forth, growing closer and closer to an accident. "Hey, y/n, if you hold my hand, I might not fall." He said in a voice louder than his usual softness. I blushed. "F-Fine..." I started to hesitantly open my hand when a more violent chop smacked me right in the forehead. I instantly retracted my hand, rubbing the pain. 


Norman's face turned away from me, those soft blue eyes looking a little bit angry.

"Hey, Ray, why have you been so mean to y/n lately?" Norman said. "You headbutted her at breakfast too." 

Ray's hands flew into the air. "W-What are you talking about?" He said in a panic. "She- She's the one who headbutted me! ME!" He pointed at himself. His exaggeration was a little comical, but the throbbing in my forehead prioritized teasing him. 

"How unlike him..." I thought. "Ray  can usually keep his cool..."

"y/n." Norman's soft hands wrapped around mine. Although he looked weak, his energy and presence made up for whatever little someone could think of him. 

"Yeah?.." I replied, feeling a blush grow across my cheeks. 

"A boy had never touched me like this... His hands are so much bigger than mine... They're so warm..."

He continued his request. "If Ray is bullying you or hurting you, you can tell me, y'know?" He pulled my hands closer to his face, hovering next to his lips. "I love you, y/n." He softly placed his lips on my palm, his gaze tracing my arms, my shoulders, up my neck,  eventually making straight eye contact with me. Those damn sapphire eyes glistened with something a little more naughty than love.

"Guys!" Don cried out suddenly. "Norman just said he loved y/n! "

"Ehh?" All of the small conversations and chats happening around us had ended, and everyone's attention was suddenly redirected to Norman and I, his lips just parting with my palms. 

"Norman! You and y/n are... together??" 

"y/n, do you like Norman?" 

"Are you guys going to get married?"

I let out an exasperated sigh and turned to my partner in crime. Norman had let go of me, as he turned to the crowd. "I love y/n." He announced. "I love her very, very much." His gaze fell back to me, an earnest look on his face. 

"He... Isn't lying. But... Why would he do this? Why would Norman make a spectacle out of it?" 

I thought I knew Norman very well. But this time I couldn't read him. 

Before I could form any theories about Norman's strange behavior Mama rushed inside the room with our test results. Any noise or chaos settled down. I directed my attention towards the front of the room, noticing one thing before Mama started to announce our grades. 

Norman's face was still glaring at something else to the side. I glanced at Ray, looking pale and a little unsettled. Norman had such a sadistic smile on his face. 

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