🌙 God's Agenda || EXTRA 🌙

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Hundreds of years ago, the demons and humans lived on one world. Sharing one ecosystem, one community, one planet. Naturally, the relationship between predator and prey was born. And just as naturally as predator and prey, the prey began to rebel, and chaos broke between the two races. A war as great as that was precedented to have even greater repercussions, greater casualties, greater loss. Until one day, both parties became aware of that loss, and came to an agreement, settled under God. The Promise they made broke the world into two. One for the demons, and one for the humans. What the demons received in return, was cattle they could cultivate, grow, and consume on their own accord. 

An unfair deal, to those poor children that were sent as a sacrifice. 

But again, just as natural as predator and prey, just as natural as rebellion, there would be a person who realizes how cruel their fate would be, a damned future, but not by their own fault. But by their ancestors, who had made such a broken promise. And the first person to realize this, was a cattle child. The first of many. Their name is forgotten, along with their effort. Because inevitably, this human faltered, and suffered the consequences of such action. When rebelling against a world, you cannot look back. And everyone had looked back. 

Nearly twenty years ago, I had watched over the two rebels of their generation. A cattle child, and a free man, who had fallen in love. They're known by many names now, thanks to the rumors I created to give this land a little more 'oompf'. 

Isn't this silly? A God interfering with his world?

The traitor, the man who had betrayed The Promise his own family had created. And the cattle, a kind, empathetic woman who had been born unfortunately as "food". Both were aware of their situations, and seemingly accepted it, for they had each other. And then suddenly, it wasn't just them. There was a child. A child born of two humans, the first of her kind in the demon's Neverland. A child that shared both a mother and father, a child that had two to look up to. 

And I was impressed by her mother. She didn't look back. She had only tripped. So I gave her mercy, and this child who was the first of her kind, a chance. 

This may seem silly. For an interdimensional being like I, to interfere with affairs of the world I'd created is unlikely, childish, and completely unprofessional. But I've been bored for the past century. And this story is one I'd like to keep for myself. My pendant, the Eye of God, can hold a single soul, a single lifetime of memory. The chain of failed escapes had left the gemstone gray, bare, more of a pebble then a jewel, until her. Once I had taken the mother's soul, the jewel had turned into a beautiful galaxy sky, small specks of white imitating the stars of the vast universe. This will keep me entertained for a while. So as thanks, I gave her daughter the chance to make a difference. The demon refugees, Mujika and Sonju were given the necklace. They would know what to do when it happens. 

I don't particularly care about the humans. 

Nor would I bat an eye at the demons. 

All I want is to be entertained. It's the best thing they can do as I keep this world in check. 

I watched the daughter follow the arrow to my temple. To my true Seven Walls. I guess I'll be having a visitor soon. I should go get tidied up. 

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