🖤 Ray #7 || EXTRA 🖤

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Happy. Relieved. Glad. Upset. Confused. Jealous. Angry.

It's amazing how quickly you can cycle through your feelings. Seeing her face... it made me so happy. The tension building up in that cell had broken. And it was all rebuilt in a second, the memory of Norman's words... that mark on her neck. It definitely wasn't mine. It definitely wasn't Zack's. "Emma, why the hell is she with Norman?" She glared at me, helping a tired, weak Oliver into the house. "She did it for you, idiot." She hissed, walking him across the bridge.

For me? She's fucking Norman for me? I scoffed, giving the punching bag another harsh jab. She disappeared after that day, and I'd taken up boxing with Cislo as some sort of therapy. Talking to y/n used to be my release. Hugging her, kissing her, giving her my love. That was my therapy. Guess she's Norman's now. My train of thought was disrupted by her voice. Speak of the devil. I gave her a glare, noticing her messy hair and slightly heaving breath. Did she just come out of a makeout session? Which boy did she choose today? "What do you want?" I muttered, redirecting my attention to the bean bag. Her voice was small. "To talk to you," She whispered. I punched the bag where Norman's face would be. "Well you've done that, so leave." Her fingertips just barely grazed my shoulders. It was enough to make my anger falter. "W- What's wrong, Ray?" The you say my name. Like you still love me. Like I'm the world to you. How could you say a name with so much emotion, so much concern, yet be the one who betrayed them? My voice came out harsher than I intended. "Don't- Don't call me that." I pulled off my gloves, throwing them onto the floor. She gave me this look... A more fitting one. An angry, confused glare, her glistening eyes on fire. Say my name like that too, y/n. "So what do I call you? Sleepy Cyclops? 81194? Angry little boy that doesn't appreciate what I did for him?" I burst out laughing, throwing my hands into the air. I returned her glare, sneering. "What did you do for me? You mean sleep around with boys that gave you more than five minutes of attention?" I was done with this conversation. I grabbed my sweater, pulling it over my head. "I thought I was special. I thought you liked me. But no, you're with Yuugo, you're with Zack, and now you're with Norman? You're cheap, y/n." Her eyes widened, not believing the words that just came out of my mouth. "Are you calling me a slut?" I shrugged. "Your words, not mine." Her eyes started to water up, tears running down her cheeks. Fuck. I can't- I can't deal with her crying. A wave of regret washed over me as she sobbed into her hands. Her voice was trembling, breaking every other sentence. "I- I cried for you... I cried for you every fucking day I thought you were gone... I've never slept with Yuugo. I- I never had sex with Zack or Norman... Y-you were my o- only one Ray... I- I thought... You would be happy to see me... I thought you w-were worried about me..." I was. I was so worried for you, y/n. Why did I say those things? I accused you of sleeping with them, but I didn't particularly have proof, did I? Why did my voice fail to work when I needed it most? I needed to apologize. I needed to thank her. I needed to hold her. "N- no, y/n... I- Of course I was worried about you- I'm- I'm- so" Someone I failed to notice entered the room, grabbing her shoulders and pulled her right out of my grasp. I'd never seen that look on Norman's face before. Pure anger. "That's enough." She continued to cry snuggly in his chest as he lead her out of the room. "God fucking damn it." I hissed, punching the bean bag. She probably hates me. I can guarantee she hates me. If not before, then now.

Before I knew it, we were standing face to face, the childish bickering of Barbara and Cislo continuing outside the ring. Those two... are definitely not adults... I noticed y/n's curious gaze on my head. Or hair. Sandy had cut it a few days ago, leaving my bangs alone at my request. "The hell are you looking at?" She smirked, rolling her eyes. "Your stupid face, idiot." When did she get so strong? So agile? She's quick, she's forceful, these jabs hurt. "Give me a favor when I win," she giggled, sending me stumbling back. She's good at running in headfirst. She always was. But there's one thing that I had an edge over. And it was strategy. Her usual sidesteps became easy to read and it was by pure reflex that I happened to catch one. I grabbed her shoulders right before she hit the ground to soften her fall. It left us in a rather risqué position, both of our chests heaving in exhaustion. I felt her breasts brush past my pecs, making me blush. It was okay to tease her a little bit, right? She was so embarrassed, her bright red face resembling a ripe tomato. I wanted her so badly. I've always wanted her. Her eyebrows were furrowed, confused, shy, embarrassment written across her forehead. "You owe me a favor." I whispered, moving my hand pinning her to the ground. I brushed my bangs over my head. I wanted to see her face when I did this. "Don't get mad at me." She parted her lips, saying something that had already flown past my head. This was my opening, literally. I pressed my lips against hers, the adrenaline of feeling her against me driving me wild. I pulled her into my lap, letting the kiss stay as innocent as it could. But holy shit, this felt good. Her weight over me, her hands around my neck. I've been deprived of you for so long, y/n. Can't we stay like this forever? It was her turn to do what she wanted. She pushed me onto the floor, ruffling up my hair, telling me she wanted more. I shoved my tongue into her mouth, that amazing chemistry we had coming back into play. When we finally pulled away, it was to breathe. A string of saliva connected our lips, both our faces red. Her expression was melted into one of pure ecstasy, my member getting hard at the sight of it. Before it got too big, she noticed what we'd just did and stumbled to her feet. "Y- You're an idiot!" She shouted, running away. The door swung behind her, Barbara and Cislo's confused faces slowly turning to me.

y/n, I love you. And I'm sorry for freaking out and being a dick. But Norman isn't the right one for you. You can match outfits as much as you want. You can swing his arm over your shoulders, play games of pretend and anything that makes you feel better. But the only thing you're pretending is your love for someone that isn't me. You'll come back, y/n. "So you wanna play that game?" She grinned mischievously. "Let's play it, bitch."

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