📷 My Muse || Chapter Thirty Four

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Everyone except Ray had gathered to see Norman off.

All of the kids were gathered at his feet, sobbing uncontrollably. "I-I'll miss you s-s-so much Norman!" Little Sherri cried, snot running down her face. His face was visibly upset but smiled, hugging the kids regardless. He patted Sherri softly. "If you keep crying, I'm going to cry too!" Norman joked. Sherri apologized, digging herself into his chest.

He glanced at Don, Emma, Gilda and I, trembling at the sight of him in his suit, holding a fedora. That attire only dead children wore. If he wasn't headed to his death, I would have teased him. Instead my hands quivered, nearly loosing grip of my crutches.

"Norman, Norman, Norman!" Don cried his name over and over again, in between tears. Maybe if he said his name enough times, Norman could've stayed. But Don quickly fell to the floor, burying his wet face in his hands.

Gilda tugged her shirt harshly, stretching it out. She bit her lip, holding in her own tears. "D-Don, if you cry so much, the other kids will too." She stammered. Don muffled an "I don't care!" And continued wailing.

Isabella smiled at our agonized reactions.

Emma jumped into Norman's arms, begging him not to leave. "Please, Norman, please don't go, I can't do anything without you! Please, please please!" Her cries became quiet and muffled in his shoulders. Norman was holding back his own cries. I watched his lip quiver, comforting Emma.

I refused to let Norman go.

He had to survive.

In my cardigan was the book and razor Norman had left for Ray. When I woke up they were on my table.

I don't care what was going to happen to me. With my leg I was dead meat anyways. All I could do was try to distract Isabella and give Norman time to escape.

When Emma finally drew herself back, Isabella placed the hat on his head. "It's time to go, Norman."  Her smile was cold and distant, some sinister air emitting from her.

Norman picked up his suitcase, turning to me. "Goodbye, y/n."

I moved my crutches as fast as I could, making large strides with each jump. I threw myself onto Norman's chest, sending him barreling to floor. "y-y/n!" He quickly wrapped his arms around me, protecting me from the fall. "What are you doing!" He hissed, brushing my messy bangs away from my face. Isabella sighed behind us, turning her attention to the still sobbing children. I grabbed his hands, forcing them on my chest. His fingers grazed my breast, Norman immediately turning bright red. "y-y/n this isn't really the time-" He stopped. His fingers landed on the flat surface of the book through my sweater. "y/n, no!" He pulled himself away, grabbing his hat. "It's too late for me. Please understand." He called for Don and Emma to grab me.

I was sprawled across the cold wooden floor, chest heaving from tears and the acrobatics. He was right here. He was right under me. His warm, breathing, happy existence. But now, he gazed at us sadly, accepting his fate. Tears started to fall from my eyes as I sobbed silently.

"Emma, Don, Gilda, y/n..." His eyes trailed off down the hallway, smiling at the quiet black haired boy at the end. "Ray." He finished his sentence, turning to the door. "Take care of y/n, okay?" Isabella picked up his suitcase, grinning maliciously at my floorbound body. "And never lose hope." The door clicked behind them.

I would never see Norman again.

I crawled to a window, forcing myself to my legs. I scratched the wall, wailing in agony. The thick metal grates blocked my vision, only seeing fragments of his silhouette fade away. "Norman!" I screamed, hoping he would hear me. Don and Gilda pulled me away from the glass, ignoring my cries.

My heart felt as if a spear was driven through it over and over again.

My stomach felt empty and full, sick and disgusted at the same time.

My head ached, remembering every memory I've made with Norman.

I remembered his smiling face, looking fondly at the children, playing with Phil, Lannion, Yvette.

I remembered his blushing face, kissing my forehead softly.

I remembered how concerned he was every time I did something reckless.

And I was never going to see any of his faces again. Norman's cries, smiles, screams, the way he ate his food and patted my head. I watched his shadow fade over a hill, completely disappearing.

I reached my hand out, grasping for anything. Don groaned at my kicking and elbowing. "y/n, please," His voice was breaking as his grip on me loosened. "P-Please don't make this any ha-harder than it already i-is." His whole body trembled against mine.

Tears fell like waterfalls as my body went limp in Don's arms.

He gently placed me on my bed, falling to his knees.

"W-Why are we a-always so powerless?" He choked, in between hiccups and cries. Emma and Gilda watched us silently by the door, their minds in their own agony.

"I-I'm so weak." He cried, the bed shaking with his body. My pillow was already drenched with tears.

"I-I c-can't save a-anyone."

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