📷 My Muse || Chapter Thirty Five

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The day after Norman was shipped out, Emma, Gilda, Don and I went to see Ray. 

He was sitting alone in the dining room, where Norman would usually sit. 

"We have to escape soon." Don said, looking at the lifeless boy in front of him. Ray was sitting limply, dark circles underneath his eyes. I could tell he hadn't slept for days. That messy black hair used to have a boyish charm, but right now, he just looked like a mess. His eyes looked elsewhere, glazed over like a porcelain doll. 

"Why?" He asked, loosely waving his arms around. He truly looked like an old, rusty puppet. 

"W-What do you mean?" Emma asked, voice quivering. "W-What do yo-you mean, why?" 

The boy refused to make eye contact with us. "Why do we have to struggle? If we had just... stopped... We wouldn't have lost Norman." 

Emma gripped the ends of her shirt tightly,  the fabrics stopping her nails from ripping her palms open. "H-How could you say that? Ray? You said we were going to escape together!" She snarled, glaring at him coldly. 

"I'm sorry." He flopped his head backwards, off the back of his chair. He stared at the ceiling sadly. "I lied."

Gilda tried to reason with him. "Ray, how about the other kids? They only have us that can save them, please, think about your family!" 

"I thought about my family. I thought about my family a lot." He scoffed, now gazing at the large glass windows around the dining room. "I thought about if I hadn't wanted you to know the truth, everyone would still be happy. Norman would still be here, even if we were all ignorant. It's all my fault. I killed Norman." He stood up, that empty gaze looking beyond the four of us. "I'm sorry. But I deserve to die here. Please, all of you, just quit. And live the rest of your days happy, with each other. Norman would want that." 

My heart fell into the pit of my stomach. 

Was Ray truly giving up? 

His shoes clicked every time they landed, eventually stopping at the doorway. My voice was sharp. "You know as well as I do that Norman would never give up." His back stiffened up, as if he wanted to rebuke me, or argue. Instead, he let out a painful chuckle. "Yeah, I know."

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