⭐ My Muse || Chapter 119

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Shit, this has to stop happening. Like, if this world makes me pass out one more time I'm going to literally kill something. And that stupid God... All it wants to do is play games. The humans, the demons, we're all just pawns to it. The last thing I had to do to reforge The Promise was left in a cryptic riddle. 

"The night which is bleak and bears no stars at all, is the one that must be rewritten and redrawn. With your own tears, blood, sweat, and strife, will outline crimson in the dead of night." 

I stirred awake, looking at the familiar room around me. The house? I turned to my right, met face to face with a sleeping Ray. I instantly covered my mouth with my hands to keep myself from screaming. The shock subsided, and I watched him snooze silently. How much longer did I have? To decipher the riddle? And how much time did I have left with my family? With Ray? The thought was unbearable. What happens to a person after they lose their soul? I took a deep breath, trying to shove down the cost of the contract. Ray's eyes fluttered open, immediately panning to me. "Hey, weirdo." He whispered sleepily. 

I wasn't ready to lose him. I wasn't ready to lose my soul. I wanted to escape with family, and be happy with them for the rest of my life. 

I wanted to live. Is that so unfair? 

It doesn't matter, doesn't it? Life is unfair. That's the reason why we're here in the first place. 

"Morning, sleepy cyclops." I giggled, cupping his cheek. "How long have I been sleeping for?" Ray smiled, huddling deeper into our shared blanket. "About a week." "A week?!" I shouted, jumping out of bed. No, shit! I don't have much time! We have to figure out the riddle quick! I stumbled out of the room, the rest of my party inside the lounge. "y/n, you're awake!" They smiled, walking up to me. "W-What happened? How long have we b-been gone?" I stuttered, a little confused and overwhelmed. Gilda pulled my hand, leading me to the couch. "It's been two weeks, y/n. Five days for the journey there, another five days back and you had slept for three days after we got home." I clenched my fists, upset by how much time I had wasted sleeping. "We don't have much time," I mumbled, eye starting to become wet. Emma wiped away a tear, looking at me sadly. "What's wrong, y/n? What happened?" I broke down, telling them everything that happened. Everything except... what it cost. 

"And then it left me a riddle..." I clutched the necklace weighing down on my chest. "The night which is bleak and bears no stars at all, is the one that must be rewritten and redrawn. With your own tears, blood, sweat, and strife, it will outline crimson in the dead of night."

I felt a hand ruffle my hair gently. Ray was standing behind me, smiling warmly. "And we'll figure it out, y/n. We always do, right?" Yeah. We always find a way out. We'll be fine. Surely, this world will be saved. "let's start brainstorming," Gilda said, redirecting our attention to a rolled out map in front of us. I wish they knew how much I appreciated and loved them. Especially you, Ray. Who's stood by me through all of this. I would gladly give my life up for you. 

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