🖤 Ray #5 || EXTRA 🖤

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I took a deep breath, trying to keep my voice steady. "One year ago, I selfishly planned to set myself on fire to save you. Today, I'm selfishly planning to sacrifice myself to save you, again." I clicked the hammer of my pistol, aiming into the hallway. I'm going to defend my home and my family. "If Zack makes it out alive, give him that kiss." I chuckled, elbowing his shoulder. Tears started to run down her face, cries and sobs leaking out of the vent. I love you, y/n. I'm so glad you were mine. "If I make it out alive, marry me, okay?" I glanced at Emma, who nodded, grabbing her shoulder, pulling her through the caves. I fixed the metal vent back onto the hole, giving a confident nod to the four men surrounding me.

"Hey, if you die, can I marry her in your place?" Yuugo teased, winking. "God damn it, all I asked for was a kiss." Zack grumbled, pulling his gun into his hands. Hey, y/n. I want you to know we'd all die for you, gladly. You're loved. You're so, so loved. "That silly girl..." Lucas whispered, cocking his shotgun. "She saved all of lives, didn't she?" Pepe nodded in agreement, Zack, Yuugo and I clenching our grips. Yeah, she's saved me in so many ways, just by being there, just by smiling and being herself. So let me save you, just this once.

The hatch to the shelter was blown open with a large explosion, the five of us stumbling backwards. "Minerva created this shelter well," Lucas smirked. Another large explosion followed, the screams and shouts of soldiers above us filling the barren wasteland. "Idiots." Zack chuckled, the door finally swinging open. A ray of moonlight fell into the hallway of the shelter, one man climbing his way down. He was wearing a gas mask, but bearing no weapon. "Ray! It's so good to see you!" He said, fiddling with the strap. His hair was platinum white, two glistening ocean eyes staring straight at me. "N- No..." I muttered, stepping towards him.

It was impossible. He died. Norman died a year ago. He was adopted, he was killed, he was eaten, right?

The boy grinned, pulling down his bulletproof vest, flashing me his numbers. 22194. It was him. It was Norman. "You- You got to go! y/n- y/n and everyone else, they left already," I cried. He was... He was here to help, right? The boy smirked maliciously, shushing me with a finger. This person... Truly was Norman, right? It couldn't be anyone else, but why? Why was he doing this? He pulled out a syringe, stabbing me in the neck with it. I clenched my teeth, the serum inside of it seeping into my body. "What- What are you-" I fell to my knees, my body suddenly feeling weak. Yuugo and Zack ran to my side, helping me up.

"Months, Ray. I spent months under endless torture, constant drills, 'fixing' my mind. 'Fixing' my body. Mhm, I do look better. Taller, more muscular. But everything good comes with a cost, doesn't it?" He touched my cheek, Yuugo slapping away his hand bitterly. "Don't touch him!" He hissed, pulling me back. "While I was locked away in the depths of hell, you were busy collecting flowers and fucking her. Do you even care about her? Can you care about her like how I care about her?"

What... What is he saying? Norman would never say these things. Never. "You're sick." I spat on the floor, giving him a defiant glare. He smirked, patting my head. "Yeah, I'm sick. I'm fucking crazy. For her, Ray. Everything I do is for her." He pulled a pistol from his belt, holding the barrel. Well shit. He struck the back of my head with the butt of the gun. I passed out.

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