📷 My Muse || Chapter Thirty Two

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The six of gathered by the house for what we thought was the last time. 

I sat under the tree, my crutches to the side. Emma hugged Norman warmly, saying her goodbyes. "Don't die before we get out there too," She said, muffled in his shirt. He patted her head, "I'll wait for you." 

After bidding everyone a safe journey, Norman kneeled by my side. 

"Can I have a kiss before I go?" He joked, ruffling my hair. "Sure," I replied, pecking his cheek lightly. His face blushed bright red. "I-I was j-joking, y/n." He stuttered. I grabbed his hand, tears welling in my eyes. 

As much as I wanted Norman to stay, he'd die being here with us. 

I'm so scared. 

He'll be out there all alone. 

His patted my head again. "Then, when you escape, you'll have something to look forward to." He gently kissed my forehead, making me go warm. 

"Take care of her, Ray." He said, shaking the black haired boy's hand. Ray grimaced. "Always." He replied, voice trembling. 

We watched him run off into the woods. 

The rest of the day went by normally. I pestered Ray to carry me around the house, doing everything and anything I wanted. Slowly, his mood started to lift with my bombardment of bad jokes and annoying demands. 

"Ray, get me water." I groaned, sprawled across the dining room table. 

"Use your crutches, the kitchen is right there!" He barked, deep into a book. A child's picture book.

"Why are you reading Beauty and the Beast, Ray?" I snorted, pulling it downwards so I could observe from across the table. He pulled the book back up, covering his face. "It's none of your business." 

"What if I gave you a kiss?" I teased, tracing the faded yellow spine. 

His eyes widened. Ray gracefully leaped over the table, taking a seat next to me. "Okay, let's begin by reading this." I laughed at his goofiness, a small smile creeping across his face. 

We took turns reading each page, both of our hands turning the final page. "The end." We said in unison, giggling. 

"So, Ray," I started, taking his hand in mine. "Why Beauty and the Beast?" 

"Do I have to do that for the kiss?" He asked, putting the book down. I nestled my head comfortably on his shoulder. "Mhm." 

He squeezed my hand softly. "I wanted to imagine being the Beast." He murmured. His voice was low, but audible from my close proximity. "You were Belle to me, y/n. As mean and unwelcoming as I was, you stayed with me. You were so kind, giving and bright to everyone around you. And eventually you broke me too." His voice grew cold, recalling the things he did. "Then I trapped you. I locked you in that room for a month. I wanted to protect you, but also keep you to myself. And even though the Beast did those terrible things to Belle, she still loved him. I'm a monster, just like the Beast, just like Mom." 

"You said Belle forgave him, right? She still loved him?"

"Yeah." He muttered. 

"And her love transformed him back into a man. Ray, you're not a monster. You never were. And if in any world you are, then my love will change you back." 

His large hands trembled around mine. "Th-Thank you, y/n." 

As he said that, the front door flew open, Gilda running inside. Her eyes were wide open, panicked as if she'd seen a ghost. 

"R-Ray..." She stuttered, grasping her hands. She turned to me as well, lips quivering in fear and distraught. Three familiar faces followed behind her. 

"Emma... Don..." I whispered, my face frozen, gaze landing on the last member of their party. 


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