📷 My Muse || Chapter Twenty Nine

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"Norman, Emma, y/n. You three need to go survey the wall. Do you remember where we hid the rope?" I nodded, recalling the crooked oak tree with a small nook in between a few branches.

Ray turned to the other two. "Don, Gilda, I need you two to stay outside the house, where you can see the boy's bedroom windows on the second floor. Just in case I fail to distract Mom, I'll signal you." His eyes flared. "Let them know to cancel the inspection immediately."

"This will all happen tomorrow," Ray said sternly, flicking Don and Norman's foreheads. "We can't afford to lose any more time."


The next day we all gathered near Ray's tree, reconvening one last time.

Don and Gilda assumed their positions, and Ray started to walk towards the house.

"Be careful!" I called. He glanced back at me, smiling sadly. "You too, y/n."

"Let's go!" Emma grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the forest. I caught a glance at Phil, staring at us perplexedly before I charged into the woods.

The run alone took multiple minutes, as my chest heaved up and down, regulating my breathing. It felt good, the wind running through my hair, the way my skirt fluttered every time I jumped. A tree branch hung low, just above the blue rail and a rush of adrenaline told me to grab it.

I leaped onto a rock, grabbing the branch. The momentum from my jump swung me forwards and I landed on the opposite side of the fence without a scratch. "You go, y/n!" Emma called, laughing behind me. Norman chuckled as well, impressed with my acrobatics.

A whole new world was ahead of us, and I couldn't wait to experience it.

The crooked tree we had hidden the rope in was just ahead, all three of us faltering to a stop. I kneeled down, intertwining my fingers as a footstool. "C'mon, Emma!" I said. She took a running start at me, jumping onto my hands as I propelled her upwards. "Thanks, y/n!" She called, rustling in between the leaves.

Norman and I waited patiently for Emma's return with our makeshift rope.

"Have you spoken to him since that night?" Norman asked, breaking the delicate silence.

I grimaced, knowing the answer. "I've been wanting to... I just can't find the heart to do it." I mumbled, fiddling with my fingers.

"Then, how about talking to me?" The silver haired boy inched closer to me, pulling my hands apart and into his own.

"W-What do you mean?"

He smiled softly, cheeks tinted pink. "I know I'm not Ray, but maybe, I could be a good repla-"

"Here it is!" Emma called, gracefully jumping onto a bush. She straightened her skirt, trotting over to us. I quickly pulled my hands away, blushing. Emma handed Norman the plain brown bag, with the rope securely inside. Just as he had reached to take it out, foot steps started to echo from the forest.

Norman glanced at Emma and then me, silently nodding. He retied the small bag and threw it deep into the woods.

"Sixteen years."

Mama's cold monotone voice emerged from the trees. She smiled at us sinisterly, the silver pocket watch open in her right hand.

"Fifteen years, we've been together. But this is the first time speaking to you without the act."

Her violet eyes shot quick glares at each one us. Norman, then Emma, then me. "Only fourteen for you, y/n." 

I shrugged that comment off.  She continued to speak. "y/n. It was you who found Connie's bunny, wasn't it?" 

I returned her scowl, "Yes, Mom. It was me. Are you going to kill me?" My voice was loud and defiant. I grit my teeth looking at the monster in front of us. How could she stand there so happily, innocently, feeling as if she'd done nothing wrong?

Isabella shook her head no. "Not if you cooperate, y/n."

I felt my temper flare up. "Absolutely not."

She turned to Emma, looking similar to me. Her golden hair seemed to be ablaze. She clicked her tongue at the two of us.

"Then, how about you, Norman?"

We both turned to him, frozen. He chuckled, glancing at both of us. "Okay, Mom. I'll quit."

She smiled, opening her arms for a hug.

"I'll quit being a good boy!" Norman yelled, making a run for the bag.

This inspection had to be done today, no matter what. Emma and I lunged straight at Mom, tackling her to the ground. "You god damn rats!" She hissed, pushing Emma away. Her back made a thud, as she struggled to get up. I clutched onto Mom's apron for as long as I could, not noticing she had grabbed something inside her deep pockets. She raised a heavy metal stick, her glare glued to my right leg. "Sorry, y/n."

The heavy stick made direct contact with my knee, shattering the joint. I let out an ear piercing scream, trying to stumble back up. Isabella grabbed my left leg, pulling me back onto the ground. I tried to break my fall with my legs, but forgot that I only had one, which was being held by Isabella. I struggled my way onto my back as she slowly stood up, fixing her dress. I looked at my knee in horror. My right leg looked like a noodle, like no knee was ever there to begin. Where the knee should have been was a swollen red and blue mess, looking like a disgusting muscle eating virus had taken that limb.

Three pairs of footsteps rustled into the clearing.

"y-y/n!" Ray screamed, running to my side. He gently brought me into his arms, glaring at the woman. She still held the bat, warning anyone who dare stepped near her. Gilda and Don looked in horror at my broken leg and Emma's bleeding head, barely conscious at the base of a tree.

Norman ran to her, pulling her into his arms.

"Now that you're all here," Isabella started, waving her arms as if it was some grandiose show, "I have an announcement to make." Her violet glare turned to the silver haired boy cradling Emma in his arms. "Congratulations, Norman! Your shipment date has been set." Her foot steps were soft as she kneeled next to me, "I'm sorry I had to do this, y/n. But now, maybe you'll stay put until tomorrow."

"T-Tomorrow?" Ray's arms trembled around me, pulling me closer to his body. "What do you mean tomorrow?"

Her expression was frighteningly lax.

"Norman, your shipment date is tomorrow."

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